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"We've nearly hit everybody that poses a threat" Harper reports

"How many is that?" I ask

"About a thousand, probably more though" she tells me, spinning on her chair

"One thousand and seven hundred and fifty to be exact" Evelyn says

"Wow, Evelyn can count" Alyssa says and gets a pillow thrown at her

"I'm much smarter than you" Evelyn retorts and everyone laughs as Alyssa tries to throw the pillow back but falls off her chair

"What's so funny?" Britta asks finally awake

"Oh look, sleeping beauty had finally awoken" Harper says bowing

"Hilarious" Britta says rolling her eyes

"Someone's got to check on the men" I say causally, Alyssa and Evelyn both jump up at the same time

"I want to do it!" They both yell at the same time

"I'm doing it!" Evelyn yells at Alyssa

"No I'm doing it!" Alyssa yells back

"I'm doing it!"

"No I'm doing it!"

"I'm doing it!"

"No I'm doing it"

"I'm doing it!"

"No I'm doing it!"

"I'm doing it!"

"Both of you shut up!" Britta shouts, covering her ears and groaning a bit

"I believe it's Harper's turn" I say

"How about they both do it?" Hater suggests and then they both take off

"Britta, what's wrong?" I ask her as soon as they were far away

"I've got a really bad headache" she tells me, lying down on the ground

"I've got a question" I say

"Yeah what is it?" Harper asks

"What's with the galas cage?" I ask and she laughs 

"Well it started out as a punishment, being locked in the glass cage but we decided that we should have some fun and yeah" Harper laughs, oh I guess that makes some sense

"Hey, Britta I'm telling Crimson abut the glass cage" Harper says to Britta

"I think she's asleep" I say after a while of her not answering her moving

"Of course she is" Harper mutters, slouching

"Crap, this is bad, really bad" she says

"What?" I ask

"Something's gone wrong with the programming, the virus is mutating" she tells me

"What do we do?" I ask

"We have to shut it down, right now" she replies, typing a lot of things, I start to do what I know how to

"It's not working, it might be too late" Harper says

"Can they be shut down manually, from the tele-tubby itself?" I ask

"Yeah but there's a high risk of getting infected by whatever virus it's made" she replies

"We have to try" I say

"Britta wake up" I order

"Why?" She asks sleepily

"We have to shut down the Teletubbies manually and fast" I tell her and she sits up

"Why?" She asks

"They're mutating the virus in them, it wipe out every living being in this world and beyond" I tell her

"Let's do this" she says still half asleep

Evelyn's POV
"You do outside jobs I'll do inside" I say to Alyssa

"Can't we just do it together?" She asks

"Fine, we are going to the kitchens first" I say dragging her that way

"Is everyone here?" I shout

"Yes!" They shout back, I count just to make sure

Strange, I got one more than usual, I count again, coming up with he same number over and over again

Suddenly I see the ex-Prince, Crimson's brother at the back, so that's where she went yesterday

Then we go to check on the farmers, one more than usual as well

I look around and spot the ex-King, Crimson's father, standing at the back, hardly doing anything

"Evelyn! Alyssa!" We hear Blaire shout from above us

"We have a problem with the Teletubbies" she tells us

"You have to come now!" She adds flying away again and we follow her

What's gone wrong?

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