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Britta's POV
"I have a question for you" Blaire says as we get near the woods and the creek

"What is it?" I ask her

"What's your full name?"

"It's Aaliyah Britta Cartwright" I reply

"Why do you go by Britta?" She asks me

"I don't know, my brother couldn't pronounce Aaliyah properly so I became Britta and it has always stuck" I answer shrugging

"Oh" she says

"What's your full name?" I ask her

"Blaire Aldummim Guida" she replies

"Oh yeah, now I'm remember now" I say, I heard it when Blaire and Crimson worked out that we were twins

"Do you think the world used to be like?" She asks curious to know whether everyone that's ever existed has gone through the same things as people living today

"No it wasn't always like this, it used to be so much better and men and women were treated as equals" I inform her

"How?" She asks

"In every single way" I respond vaguely

"What was it like?" I ask and then I realize that she never experienced it so she wouldn't know

"It was beautiful, you could watch the children play all day while gossiping about school life and your crush and anything that was on your mind but now it seems everyone is too afraid to do that anymore" she says

"We probably should be getting back" she adds standing up

She made it sound like that she lived at that point, she couldn't have, right?

Guess the POV
I was talking to all my friends, most of them asking where my sister is, I just give them a big smile and tell them I have no idea

I guess I should have been a better brother, I should be the one who had to pay the price for all my mistakes, she didn't deserve it. She tried to help, to make things right but I pushed her away

All I can do is continue on with my life and hope that she forgives me

"See ya tomorrow!" My cousin Jake yells at me from his car window as his older brothers pulls out into the busy road

"Yeah, see ya!" I yell back, they're are the only ones who know that she's gone but they don't know how it happened exactly

When I walk into the kitchen I see my girlfriend, who looks very angry at me

Oops, I forgot that I made plans with her today

"Who is this! Your girlfriend!" She shouts shoving a picture at me, I look at it and start to laugh

"What's so funny?" She shouts getting madder

"Your think...that is actually date my sister" I say still laughing

"That's your sister?" She asks shocked

"Yep" I reply my laughter dying a bit

"In ever knew you had a sister" she mumbles taking the picture back

"She's really pretty, how come I haven't met her yet?" She asks me

"She's always busy, I hardly see her myself" I say

"Oh okay, I'm letting you off the hook today but this is seriously the last time and I mean" she warns before leaving

I start making dinner and I accidentally take out two plates, after realizing what I did I close the cupboard door shut before just eating out of the pan like I do every night

Once I finish I'm about to do the dishes when a blast of light appears out of nowhere and starts twirling around me, covering me so I can only see the light

I shout my eyes to block the blinding lights and when I open them again, I am in a forest surrounded by dark and sullen trees, that look like they go for miles

I walk for ages and ages to find anybody and finally I see two girls on the other side of a field by a creek

I watch them for a while, unsure what to do and then they stand up and head this way

One of them has wings, but the other looks so much like her but it couldn't be her

They get closer and then they notice me

The girl with wings looks confused before noticing by then continues to look confused as she probably doesn't get why me and the other are staring at each

"Do you two know each other?" the girl with wings asks us

"No" the other girl replies and turns and walks away, the one with wings glances once more at me before turning and following her friend

Britta's POV
How is he here? I'm just imaging things I have to be

I didn't see him, I just saw a random stranger that just happened to look like him

Besides it's impossible for him to be here

I remember him dying of old age, that coward never even joined the army like he said he was going to

"What's up with you?" Blaire asks me

"Nothing" I respond trying to make it convincing

"Are you sure? Because you've been acting weird since you saw that guy" Blaire says looking at me and I just ignore this time and she just sighs, we don't talk for the rest of the way home

Blaire's POV
Something's up with Britta, she's been acting weird ever since we saw that guy, who she claims she doesn't know but if she didn't then why would she be acting like she is?

Maybe Crimson will know, since she has known Britta for longer, maybe even Evelyn would know 

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