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when I wake up I see the new girl staring at me

"So your finally awake" I say and she startles backwards, making me raise an eyebrow, she's a jumpy one

"what's your name?" I ask her and she looks at me warily before speaking

"Britta" she replies, unusual name, but nice at the same time

"I'm Crimson, that's Evelyn" I tell her and she nods silently

"i made breakfast" she informs me quietly, and I realize that I'm desperately hungry

"wake up sleepy head" I shout in Evelyn's ear and she slowly an i mean slowly wakes up

"what?" she asks tiredly

"breakfast" I state and she jumps up way too quickly for it too be normal

the breakfast actually tastes good, we are keeping Britta forever and ever

"So what's your name?" Evelyn asks Britta, ahh, short time memory loss?

Oh no one told her that makes sense

"Britta, your Evelyn" Britta responses

"O-okay then" Evelyn mutters and walks down the mountain

Oh so she can walk down but no up? Of course. That's so normal

"Where is she going" Britta ask

"No idea, probably for a walk to the nearest river or something" I reply and she nods distantly

"So what's your story?" I ask her, letting my curiosity get the best of me

"Eh, there's nothing interesting or different about" she replies, busying herself with cleaning up

"Are you sure?" I ask sceptically

"Of course I am" she snaps and she changes, she no longer has black hair and green eyes, now she has red hair and brown eyes

"Your a shapeshifter" I gasp

"Yep" she says

"Is that you to someone else?" I ask

"This isn't me" she states and holds up a finger and swiftly changes into a girl with blonde hair dyed blue at the edges, and turquoise eyes

"This is me" she tells me

"Who's that?" I hear Evelyn ask, she at the entrance of the cave

"The real Britta" I tell her and she looks confused

"She's a shapeshifter this is actually her" I add and she seems to get it now


"I'm bored" I complain

"Me too" Evelyn agrees

"Maybe if you too would stop complaining and actually do something you wouldn't be bored" Britta mumbles

"Your mean" Evelyn comments

"I know I am" Britta replies

"I'm still bored" I whine

"Go and attack Suzie then" Evelyn tells me

"Who's Suzy?" I ask her and she sits up and looks at me like I'm an idiot

"You know that girl, that is against U.S. and you put cement on her legs so she couldn't move" Evelyn says, she means Sasha.

"You mean Sasha" I tell her

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