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As soon as we get into town we know that we are too late, the men have successfully taken control again, there are lots of girls and women in chains, even more dead

The men are barking orders like nothing has changed

"What is going on?!" I ask loudly, my voice wavers a bit but not enough to notice

"We want how it used to be like, so we're taking charge, your rule has come to an end" a big bulky man says and then lots of them charge at us

"Run" I say and we do

We all run in different directions but we all have the same destination, the woods.

"Get them!" Camion yells, he is so behind this

"Everyone split!" Camion yells seconds later, just as I'm skidding around a sharp corner, it's too crowded to try and fly here, once I'm in a more open area I will

I can hear the men's thundering footsteps behind me I pick up my pace, I can't get caught I just can't

They are gaining, I suppose they sent their fastest after me or I'm just not a fast runner

I look behind me one more time before breathing in deeply and pushing myself off the ground

Grab they jump as high as they can but I'm just to high up

I weave in and out of the buildings and the trees and the sculptures, it's like an obstacle course

When I'm just about to hit the fields before the woods I hear the sound of an archer letting going of the arrow

I dodge the first one, not realizing that there are two until it hits me on my left wing sending me plummeting towards the ground, I try to keep myself up in the air but I can't with only one wing, as the wind is too strong and Gravity is forcing me closer to the ground since I cannot fight it all that well anymore

I hit the ground hard, I don't bother getting back up, it hurts too much and everything is a bit fuzzy

I can hear shouts in the distance, I hope the others have made it

The men that were chasing after me finally find where I have fallen

They talk amongst themselves before I feel myself being half dragged half carried back to what I assume is the centre of the town or to the castle where I'll probably be held prisoner

I'm not sure how far we get before everything fades to black

I open my eyes to find that I'm in a dark, cracked, old, dusty and plain cell, the bars are thick and the air is cold and it has a musty smell to it

There are at least two guards outside my cell, they must have the best life ever

I sit there for about half an hour, I can't really tell as there isn't a clock anywhere insight

At times I wonder if I should talk to the guards, since they must get bored of being in silence the whole time but then I realize that they might lose their jobs if they talk to me

Then I hear the sounds of someone coming closer, I hope they brought food

"Open it, I want to have a talk with her" says a stern voice, you can hardly tell that it's Camion

The door swings open and he strides in like he owns the place

I'm starting to think they drugged me or something, I'm acting all weird

"Hello dead brother" I greet him and the guards cannot hide their shock, so they didn't know? Oops

"Shut up" he hisses, someone's in a mood

"Where's father dearest?" I ask him and he growls

"He's dead" he replies

"How'd he die?" I ask him and I can see him calculating something

"He had an heart attack" he responds, he's obviously lying

"Are you sure you didn't poison him to get the throne once you dealt with me and my crew?" I ask him and his eyes tell that's what happen

"No" he snaps

"Oh really? because you and I know that that's something you would do and we also know that you did" I purr, I can see his anger rising

"Be quiet" he tells me

"Why should I?" I ask and he glares at me and slaps me, ouch.

"Now do you know why your here?" He asks me, what should I say that will annoy him

"Because you feel the need to be in control of everything, and to feel like your the most important person in the world, and your evil and cruel" I reply and he slaps me again

I think he needs help, he can't just go around hitting people, yeah, I was so drugged with some thing

"You're here because you have caused mayhem in my country, disobeyed rules, kidnapped, stole, forced men to do chores designed for women and you are the dark angel" he tells me and I laugh and laugh and laugh

"What's so funny?" He asks me crossly, I'm surprised he doesn't hit me again

"You are" I laugh, he just stares at me

This is getting even funner

"How am I being funny?" He asks, me sending a hidden warning which I just ignore

"You think that I'm the dark angel" I say sobering up

"Oh and that you think that I was the one causing mayhem when I was the fixing it" I add

"You are the dark angel" he says getting quite irritated, my plan is working, I believe this is plan C

"No I'm not" I tell him

"If you are not the dark angel then who is?" He asks me

"You are"

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