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"Oh Evelyn" I call sweetly, stirring a bowl of...well something at least

"Good noting Sunshine" she screams rolling off the couch, her face scrunches up as she notices what I'm holding

"What is that?" She asks disgusted

"Your breakfast" I inform her, smiling she cautiously takes the bowl from me and puts a big spoonful in her mouth

I burst out laughing when she spits it out and continuously wipes her tongue to get it out of her mouth

"That is disgusting" she complains, drinking waster and spitting it again over and over

"I know, well you've eaten" I reply grabbing my breakfast, a chocolate croissant

"Why do you get that?" She asks grumpily, starting to eat the breakfast I gave her, with an unhappy look on her face

"Because I woke up first" I laughed as she kept herself from vomiting

"What are we doing now?" Evelyn asks me as we head back into town

"Recruit and get rid of any men that stands in are way" I tell her and she falls silent

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I ask her

"Because I'm curious" she answers, and I create a hole just where she is stepping

A very deep and long one

"Hey!" She screams, and I smile down at her, not that I can see her

"Your going to have to climb up" I tell, making the sides glass

"Can't you fly down here and carry me up" she screams back

"No, one because you would be too heavy and I wouldn't fit" I scream back


I hear her slip and slide on the wall and I can't hold it back anymore

I vomit down the hole

Just kidding
I starting laughing my head off
Crap, I actually do need to vomit

I quickly close the hole, feeling like I've forgotten something and run for the nearest bush

Which is about twenty minutes away
It was a long walk. I wish I had tried to use my wings but I felt like if I did I would vomit right away


I knew I forgot something

I run back to the spot as fast as I can

And open it again, casting a spell lifting Evelynn as well as the ground up

"You are so dead" she says

"Too right you are! You are meant to be doing work, but here you are slacking off!" An angry man yells

"Oh? You haven't heard, have you" Evelyn says smirking

"Heard what?" He asks impatiently

"That I'm in charge now and men are the slaves now" I tell him and he laughs

"What's so funny?" Evelyn asks him and his face drops

"You'd better do what your told" I spit an she runs away. Coward

"Who are you?" A girl asks us

"Crimson, the Princess and no I did not appoint that title myself, my father is the king, well was" I reply

"What your doing is wrong!" She shouts

"No your wrong! It's wrong for us to be treated differently because we're girls! It's time to reverse the roles so they can see what it's like" Evelyn shouts back, she's good

"Your either with us or against us" I inform her, and she purses her lips

"I'm against you" she snaps and I click my fingers and cement builds up around her legs trapping her there

"Let me go!" She screeches at us and Evelyn chuckles

"Not until you join us" I whisper into her ear

"What's your name, sweetie?" Evelyn asks

"Sasha" she tells us and we nod before walking away

Into the village

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