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"Wahoo!" I wake to someone shouting that at the top of their lungs constantly, actually make that two people, wait no its three

Who else is here, last time I checked it was only me, Britta and Evelyn

I open my eyes and sit up and see, Evelyn hanging upside down from the roof, Britta sitting under laughing, and I can see a pair of hands holding onto Evelyn's legs

"Morning Crim" Britta chirps from the floor

"Crimmy!! It's so boring when you are asleep!" Even shouted, the person holding must have been surprised as Evelyn plummeted to the ground by somehow was unhurt

The new girl flipped down after her

"Sorry" she says, but she doesn't seem to mean it

"How does one land on their head and be perfectly fine?" Britta asked, is it just me or did she seem older than she actually is, and I mean a lot older

"I'm special" Evelyn replies

"No your just annoying" Britta retorts
The new girl and I laugh

"Who this?" I ask finally

"This is Alyssa" Alyssa tells me

"Can we keep it?" Britta asks happily

"She's not an object" I point out

"Yes she is" Britta argues Evelyn and Alyssa look like their about to die from laughter

"No she isn't" I argue back

"Yes she is"

"No she isn't"

"Yes she is!"

"No she isn't!"

"She is if I say she is!!" Britta declared winning this argument

"Okay" I give in

"Don't I get a say in this?" Alyssa questions and Evelyn chuckles next to her

"No, in this world they are the only ones who get a say, Crimmy listens to Britta a lot and vice versa so yeah you don't" Evelyn tells her

"Evelyn you are Crim's favorite and now and forever" Britta said rolling her eyes


Ten minutes. Ten minutes before everyone, except for Britta (she never gets bored apparently) to become extremely bored

So bored that it could kill us

"I'm bored!!" Me and Evelyn shout at the same time

"I'm more bored!" Alyssa yells

"No way!! I'm the queen of boredness" Evelyn yells back in protest

"I'm the most bored and those who argue I will slit your throats" I yell clearing it up

"I'm bored" I whine

"I'm so bored, I don't wanna die" Evelyn complains

"I've already died from boredness" Alyssa states

"Okay then, since your since so bored than you can compete to be the first to get me a baby kangaroo, the first gets to be in charge for the next week" Britta exclaims

And we all rush out the cave

As we run I pull Alyssa back and look at her with a serious face

"We cannot let Evelyn win, if she does we may as well be dead" I tell her and she nods

"I'm a very fast runner" she informs me

"I've got tons of powers and can fly, she's only got water powers" I say and we go our separate ways

Finally I manage to catch a cute one so I fly back, meeting up with the other two, Alyssa looks like she's been hit by a boulder and Evelyn is struggling to keep a hold of hers

Finally the little Joey manages to get out of Evelyn's grasp and hops away

When we back into the cave, me being very proud of myself, we stop dead seeing a very cute Joey in Britta's lap

That sneaky little witch

She looks at us and laughs

"I just couldn't help it" she laughs and we all glare at her

"You can set that one free" she tells me

I'm going to kill her one day

"You should see the looks on your faces" she laughs

"Does this mean your in charge for the next week?" Evelyn asks the unspoken question that has been running through our minds

"Well duh" she replies

"Hey, Als, you know how you love me? Can you please return this Joey" I plead and she glares at me

"No! I nearly was murdered by mummy kangaroo, it ain't happening again" she yells, running away

She really can run really fast, she's basically a blur

"Here ya go" I tell her Evelyn dumping the now fidgety Joey on her

She growls at me then huffs beiges walking off

I feel kind of bad...

I'll be nicer to her from now on, she is my favorite after all, well according to Britta she is so I guess it's true

Speaking of that sneaky thing where has she gotten too?

I see her asleep at the back using the Joey as a pillow

I guess revenge can wait

"I'm back!" Evelyn yells coming back

"You threw him off the mountain didn't you" I sigh

"Well no, Gravity did" she replies

"You killed the Joey?" I ask her shocked

"No he's fine" she tells me and falls asleep standing up, I'm really confused now

"So what are we doing?" Evelyn asks causing me too jump, maybe she's not asleep

"Shut up! I'm trying to sleep!" A very irritated Britta screams and we fall into a not a slightest bit guilty silence

"Where's Alyssa?" Evelyn asks loudly on purpose

"I have no idea" I reply being louder soon it turns into a competition of who can be the loudest.

Britta won and she wasn't even playing

"What did I miss?" Alyssa asked loudly

We turn quickly

"Shhh!" We whisper harshly, Britta is very scary

"Okay, okay" she snaps loudly

A flying object flies our way, me and Evelyn dodge it but it hits Alyssa square in the face

We try but fail to hide our laughter

"We warned you" I reminded her through my laughter

"I hate all of you" she says holding her face

"We know you do!" We all shout back along her wince which makes us laugh more

"When's dinner? I'm hungry" Evelyn complains

"You are always hungry!" Britta shouts
My sister used up all the hot water so I had to have a cold shower after playing soccer in the cold pouring rain

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