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Evelyn's POV
I wake up at about three in the morning to the door opening and closing and the sound of shuffling feet hurrying away

I look around and I don't Blaire anywhere, where has she got to this time?

I leave to go and look for her, I see her disappearing into the distance, that had to be Blaire so I follow her

As she reaches the forest, I know I have to get her attention or I'll lose her

"Blaire!" I yell but she doesn't seem to hear me, and she disappears into the trees

I make a decision and follow her in

Soon later I have no idea where she went and I realise that I'm lost

I wonder through the forest in the hopes that I run into her but I don't

I start to get tired and then something hard hits the back of my head and everything goes black

Blaire's POV
I went for a walk into the forest because I couldn't sleep, I thought someone was following me but I shook it off and put it down to my paranoia

As u reached the forest I had thought someone said my name but I couldn't see anyone nearby so I ignored it, now that I think about there was dark shape in the distance not too far off

Anyway by the time I get back everyone else is up and active, except for Evelyn

"Where's Evelyn?" I ask and everyone turns to face me, Rosie looks scared, that's usual, Alyssa looks grumpy, that's pretty normal, Harper looks confused, that's not that normal and Crimson looks...annoyed and worried

"We thought she was with you" Rosie pipes up, looking around nervously

"Where were you anyway?" Crimson asks

"I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk into the forest" I reply shrugging

Crimson's POV
Why doesn't Blaire understand?

I can't do this anymore

"Crimson? What's going on?" Britta asks me, wiping her eyes

"Evelyn has disappeared because of Blaire" I reply and leave to find some peace and quiet

"I'm sure it was an accident" Britta says catching up to me

"How do we even know if she's telling the truth" I snap and she crosses her arms

"What?" I ask stopping

"She's your sister. You should believe her no matter what, even if she is being accused of murder!" Britta snaps and stomps away

Did not expect that

Maybe I should just leave the Blaire problem for later and focus on finding Evelyn

I go up to the edge of the forest and stand wondering at what point they entered

I rember that it was wet last night so there would be footprints, I walk along the edge until I find three differently sets of footprints

Two are roughly the same size and the last ones are huge, must be a man or a woman with really big feet

Only one set, which I assume is blaire's

This is so helpful

I walk back and when I get there everyone looks up, well not everyone, Britta isn't here

Britta's POV
After I stomp away I pause and head in a complete 'm different direction, I think I might know where Evelyn is, maybe, it's not solid

I just have to find the place

I hate trees, they should be charged with murder

There are leaves in my hair, Evelyn better worship me for this

And Crimson better thank me at the least

I am really really hungry

I'm so lost I've ended up at the palace

Wait, maybe this is where is because this is the most obvious place, if you think about it carefully and plus, they know, well think, that we won't look here because because, I don't know why, something with it being too public probably

I enter through an open window, these people need to be more careful unless this is a trap, I really need to stop thinking and act

I climb in, no one is in this room, I'm about to continue when the door opens


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