Welcome to Charming

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Veronica took the train from Nevada to California then she got on bus the rest of the way to the little town called Charming. She had been up for more than 36 hours and she was in a great need for sleep. When she arrived in Charming, she went straight to a motel at the edge of town. She slept for seventeen hours when eventually there was a knock on her motel door, she threw it open without looking through the peep hole. She saw a club member.
"Hello.." she said, skeptically.
"Are you Veronica Fugal?" He asked her.
"Who's asking?" She answered, skeptically.
"Clay Morrow."
My dad? She thought to herself.
"What does he want?"
"To see you" the man said.
A nod was all he gave her.
She looks at the man, he had a light beard and looked as if he was just figuring out his life; prospect.
She grabs her duffle and purse, walking toward the door.
"I have to pay for the room."
"I already did. Per Clay's request."
"Thank you, I guess."
He smirks as he looks her up and down, then steadied at her breast. She was wearing yoga pants and a tight short sleeve shirt with a deep V.
"My eyes are up here, bud" she motioned toward her face.
His eyes snapped up to her face then he turns to his bike.
He hands her a helmet and she notices his Harley then.
He slips on and waits for her to put her helmet on. She does and sits behind him, wrapping her arms around him.
He starts up his bike and speeds deeper into town. They reached the clubhouse in five minutes. Partly because it was so close and partly because he was speeding.
He leads her in, "he's waiting for you." The man gestures toward the double doors.
She walks in almost hesitantly, her father sits at the head of the table and quickly stands up when he sees her. She shuts the door behind her.
"Roni" he says, approaching her for a hug. She reluctantly accepts his embrace.
"How's your dear mother?' He asks almost in a mocking voice.
"She died ten years ago, remember?"
"Your aunt then?" Oh how she hated him most times.
"She actually took care of me unlike some people."
"Why are you here? Did you get into trouble in Nevada?" He sounded almost concerned.
"It's a long story."
"Later then?"
"Sure," she lied, knowing that they were both fooling himself if the
either thought she would tell him.
"You can stay in the club house until you figure out what you're doing."
He waves her off.
"Opie," Clay calls opening the double doors.
a familiar face approaches.
She throws her arms around him.
"Hey bud."
"She's gonna be staying in Juice's room for the time being. Can you show her?" Clay says.
Opie leads the way.
"I haven't seen you in what 8-9 years? How old does that make you? 25?" He smiles.
"8 and yep 25" she pauses, "how's Dona?"
"Good, kids too"
She smiles. She's missed a lot.
"Who was that scrawny looking guy that picked me up?"
"Half sack"
"I don't even want to know" she says and he smiles.
They pass Jax's room and she sees him reading a magazine.
"Jackson Teller," she says, entering his room.
He rolls out of bed within a second and is on his feet.
"I'd know that voice anywhere, Roni!" He says, hugging her.
"What are you doing here?" He asks after pulling away.
"Buy me a beer tonight and I'll tell both of you."
"Sounds good," he smiles.
Opie continues to Juice's room, two doors down. She tosses her stuff on the bed. The room was messy but she could deal.
"Will this Juice guy mind?"
"We'll let him know," he pauses turning, "settle in but figure beers around 6."
she nods, closing the door behind him.
She places her duffle bag under the desk and grabs her purse.

Veronica spent most of day, familiarizing herself with the slow modernizing town. They hadn't even installed a Starbucks yet which didn't bother her much because coffee would be cheaper and she found herself to be more of the tea person most days.
She spent her childhood here, it wasn't until her mother died when she was about sixteen when she moved in with her aunt in Nevada. After high school, she attended a university in Nevada where she got a major in computer programming and a minor technological forensics.
Her uncle arranged it so she could finish by the time she was twenty-two. She, however, managed to finish when she turned twenty-one because she took summer classes and still managed to graduate magna cum laude. She pushed all this out of her mind as she walked into the club at six, carrying in take out from the local sub shop. Opie and Jax's looked frustrated.
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Club stuff, beer another night?" Jax suggested.
She nodded, taking her sandwich out of the bag. She tosses them the bag. They smile.
"Help yourself to any of the liqueur" Opie nodded toward the bar. The boys ran off.
Veronica stuffed her sandwich into the fridge and went for a run. She got back at eight. She made a vodka soda and enjoyed her sandwich.

She jumped into the shower and decided to borrow a shirt from the Juice fella's drawer. Her clothes were in need of a washing. She laid in the bed that smelled of cum and alcohol. She wasn't surprised by this as she rested her head on the pillow. She fell asleep instantly. A few hours later, however, she was awoken by some jumping into the bed. "Not now!" He exclaimed. She assumed that he thought she was sweetbutt.
"I'm not sweetbutt," she hissed.
She switched on the lamp and he stared at her.
"What are you doing in here?" He muttered.
"Juice, right?" She narrowed her eyes.
He nodded.
"Clay told me I could crash in this room and I assume nobody told you" she said.
"I am kind of his daughter."
"Kind of?"
"I am."
"I'm not driving home," he said firmly.
"Fine, sleep on the floor."
"You sleep on the floor."
She stared at him for a long moment.
"If you get touchy, I will make it impossible for you to have kids."
She switched off the light again, knowing she should have kept arguing, but she was too tired to care.

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