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Veronica met up with Gemma, Tara, and the clubs lawyer at the clubhouse. They were all sitting except Veronica who was pacing.
"They're jamming us. Seven figure bail. No court date, it's bullshit."
"Apparently they have security tapes. Women and children running for their lives," the lawyer replies.
"I saw what happened to Otto. They have no protection."
"I know."
"What about a bondsman?" Veronica suggests.
"It's 500 thousand ahead, ten percent, you'd need 300k to get the six of them out."
"I can post the house," Gemma says.
"I can post my dad's too," Tara says.
"That's enough to get out Clay. Maybe Jax. That's it."
"No, Clay won't leave 'em behind."
"I'm sorry, Gemma."
"Clay needs you to get a hold of Leroy and deliver this message ASAP," Rosen stands, handing Veronica a folded note.
She takes it.
"I never saw it, never gave it to you," he adds before leaving.
Veronica goes to the bar and pours herself a shot of vodka.
She runs through her mind of what she could do to help get them out. Every idea ends up having a flaw.
She downs the shot.
She flips open Juice's burner phone and calls Leroy. She reads him the note.
The call was short, they exchanged a few words about the guys before hanging up.
Veronica walks out of the clubhouse and sees Opie.
He's barely looking at his children who as are standing in front of him.
Gemma and her walk together toward the garage. She goes into the office and Veronica was by the garage.
Opie is talking to Clay.
Gemma appears.
"I have to do a thing for Clay, it'll take awhile."
"I'll get your kids to 'Nita," Gemma says.
Veronica follows Opie.
"You aren't going alone."
"What help will you be."
"I'm better than nothing."
"True enough, let's go."
Veronica hops on Juice's bike and follows Ope.
They meet the Lodi cop, Trammel, on the son's payroll.
"The names Vincent Bell, AKA Venus. He's a tranny dealer. Need you to track down the he-she. I will take it from there," Opie says, handing the man money.
"Direct from Clay," Opie adds.
"Okay, just plant it in the car. All right? I don't need a warrant for that."
"Put it under the driver's seat."
"Don't skip on the dope. I need a lot more than a misdeamnor to get him into county."
Veronica watches Trammel drive off.
Opie leaves a message for Lyla, the pornstar.
"Let's head up to Cara Cara."
Veronica follows him, waiting outside to say what he has to.

Veronica gets a call quarter after two from Rosen.
"Do you have news?"
"Juan was stabbed in the back at lock up."
"What? Are you serious?"
"Yeah, he should be fine. I just figured you would want to know."
"That's for sure."
"The dealer is here," Opie says.
"Thanks for calling, Rosen. Keep me in the loop," she says, hanging up.
"What the hell is this?" The dealer asks, seeing Opie.
"Luann hired security."
"Get inside," Ope commands.
"Relax, hot dog."
Opie punches the guy in the gut and Veronica appears, ready if Opie needs a hand.
He hits him a few more times the picks up the bag of blow.
"Let's call this your harrassment fine."
"Stupid bitch!" The dealer yells, getting to his feet.
"Another word and I blow your jab head off."
"I'm Chinese."
"He doesn't give a shit what you are. Now you're gone," Veronica calls.
"We'll see" he says, getting into his car and driving off.
"Let's get going, Trammel gave me a meeting place."
They see Trammel's car.
"Stay here until I come back," Ope says.
Veronica feels the gun she has tucked in the back of her pants, and sighs.
She watches him go and plant the drugs.
He returns.
The two watch as the tranny drive off. Trammel turns his lights on.
The tranny pulls over and the unexpected happens.
Trammel falls to the ground, after the ringing of the gun.
The tranny drives off.
We ride quickly over.
Ope and Veronica kneel beside him.
"You're gonna be okay," Roni says.
"What do I do?" Ope asks.
"Get on my radio, 'officer down.'"
Opie does so and Veronica applies pressure to the wound.
An ambulance arrives five minutes later.
She watches the ambulance leave, then Ope. She stood there, wondering what they could do to get protection for the club or to get them out all together.

She gets a call from Rosen at dusk.
"I thought I would let you know that Oswald posted bail, the guys should be back at the clubhouse by 9:30."
"Thank God. Thank you for letting me know."
She hangs up, hurrying to make her way to club.
She parks Juice's Harley beside all the other Harley's.
The Son's van pulls into the club property.
The Son's emerge, Ricky greets them.
Jax is talking to Ricky directly, looking at Veronica.
Jax then goes toward the garage, the other Son's went to the club house.
Veronica thought that something went down but she shakes that from her mind as Ricky approaches.
"Where is he?"
"St. Thomas."
Veronica wraps her arms around him.
"Can we go together?"
"Yeah, we'll go after I meet with the club."

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