Orca Shrugged

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It had been three days since Opie's wake. Veronica and Juice's fights hadn't stopped even in Ope's death. If anything, they got worse. They weren't just fighting about marriage and getting out anymore. They were about money, "I can't read your mind" fights, and "I'm in a bad mood, I'm taking it out on you" fights.
It was driving them both insane.

"All right. Meeting's all set with Gaalan and the cartel. Finally get this gun deal locked down. Make green and brown happy," Jax says, starting Chapel.
"It's currently black that concerns me," Clay comments.
"Everyone else too. People putting this home invasion shit on the club."
"Yeah, locals are very skiddish, man."
"We can't control what people think. Charming love and hate swings back and forth on us," Jax says.
"Be aware, son. As long as the attacks keep happening, that hate swings that far out...may never get the love back," Clay says.
"You guys are all full of shit. Town knows these attacks are not us," Tig says.
"That's right," Juice agrees.
"True," Rick adds.
"Are you calling us liars, Tiggy?"
"No, no, what he's saying is you, you, and you don't know shut about our town," Chibs raises his voice, pointing out the newbies of Charming charter.
"Knows Roosevelt gonna be up our ass."
"I'm sitting down with Pope as soon as he's back in town. If it's black, it'll stop. End of discussion," Jax says, looking at Clay.
"It ain't the attacks that we should be worried about, boys. It's the coke mule. We gotta figure out the endgame," Chibs says.
"He's right," Jax agreed.
"So, you want out?"
"I want to stay alive. We're down three brothers since this started," Chibs says.
"Maybe you forgot about that little truck-burning incident happened out on 108?" Tig asks.
"Look, business with the Cartel does bring in a lot of cash. But it also brings in a lot of heat, man. We voted this is knowing it would be short term. I'm also looking for other ways to earn. Steady cash without the risk," Jax says.
"It's pink, wet, tastes like sunshine," Bobby says.
"Pussy," Hap says.
"Or Italian ice. I'm okay with both," Tig says, getting a laugh out of everyone.
"Nero Padilla. Guy that gave us safe haven before we went to county. He's been running a legit escort service for five years. Recently got pushed out of Stockton due to our complication. He's looking for a new place to set up shop. I've made a deal with him. I'm gonna be his partner. I'm gonna tap into Caracara, add some star power to out stable," Jax says.
"What's that look like for the table?" Clay asks, looking at Jax.
"Right now I'm fronting the merger, but I want this to be a club business," Jax says.
"You trust this guy?" Clay asks, probably not liking what he's hearing.
"I do. He's straight up about profit," Jax says.
"What kind of money is it?" Juice asks.
"It ain't as lucrative as hauling coke. But it'll keep up comfortable," Jax says.
"And our of fed crosshairs," Bobby adds.
'When it's up and running, take a look. You guys want in, we'll vote it in," Jax says.
"Why wait? Let's vote it now," Clay says.
Jax pauses a second, "All right. Everyone in favor of moving into the companion business, yea."
There is a chorus of agreement.
"Good. We'll figure out percentages when I nail shit down with Nero," Jax says, hitting the gavel.

After meeting with the Cartel and the Irish, Chuck and Tig called Juice, Jax, Bobby, Hap, and Chibs down to Biancone.
They want into a small store front and see Tig holding an empty box of drugged fudge behind a very fat man.
Juice wasn't sure how big he was going to be, but seeing him now, he guessed about three hundred or more pounds.
"How much did he eat?" Jax asks Tigs.
"How much?" Tig points at Chuck to answer.
"All of it!" Chucky says, excitedly.
"And I think he actually licked the box," Tig says, setting down the empty box of fudge onto the desk.
"How long do we have?" Jax asks.
"He's a big boy. Maybe like four hours?" Juice takes a guess.
"You sure you want to do this? It's a risky bet on a horse we hate," Bobby asks.
"Come on, man. This is for the long game, brother. First bite of the apples got to be tasty," Jax responds.
Bobby pats him on the shoulder, "I hope you're right."
"Okay, boys," Jax says, starting the process.
Tigs pushes the fat man to the other side of the desk and strip him before redressing him in a Risqué thong and gag.
Soon they start taking pictures--well, Juice does anyway while the others sit around and Chuck takes watch by the front door.
"Over here, Juice. Get the face and the nip ring," Bobby points.
Juice nods, trying to oblige Bobby's perspective. He takes a few shots.
"We got something coming," Chucky says, warning the Sons.
When Chucky answers the door, Juice backs up away from the fat man.
"Uh, Nero sent me?" The tranny says being ushered in, "salutations, gentlemen. Venus Van Dam, at your pleasure."
The first thing Juice notices is that her nips are popping out of her dress.
"Venus. Thanks for coming," Jax got up and greeted her.
"Not yet, baby. You gotta eat dinner before you get dessert," Venus says, looking over at the fat man on the ground, "is he dead? 'Cause I don't do dead."
"No, he's just fat," Chucky says.
Venus gave him a look of annoyance.
"Nero explain the situation? I need to know what happens here stays here," Jax says, drawing her gaze back to him.
"All my dates have that need, baby. But discretion ain't cheap."
"I was, uh, told two grand."
"You were told right. That will do," she says, taking the money and putting it in her purse, "my lips are sealed. Although I might open them a little bit for you."
This gets a small laugh out of everyone and Venus makes her way over to the fat man.
"Mmm...you have been spending too much time at the pie eating table. What am I suppose to do with Shamu?" Venus asks.
"Um...just ride him a little bit. A few other things. He won't remember any..." Jax starts to say.
"Yes, but unfortunately, I will. Powder room?" Venus asks.
"Yeah. It's--it's back here, beautiful," Tig points toward a door.
Venus points at a bag that Chucky is holding.
Tig grabs it roughly from Chuck and reaches it out, "I can give you a hand."
Venus leans in and whispers a little loudly, "It's not going to happen, tiger."
With that she grabbed her bag and went to the bathroom.
Jax and Juice go towards him.
"Really?" Juice asks, questioning Tigs choice in women.
Venus came back a few minutes later and they dove into it.
She rode him while Juice took the pictures, he wasn't sure when he had seen a more disgusting image. Everybody was shouting instructions.
"Reach around and tickle his balls," Jax says.
Venus does so and Juice squats, getting the angles.
"Oh, that's fantastic," Jax says.
"I don't know if that's the right word," Juice mutters, making a face.
"Are you sure you can get rid of that tape?" Bobby asks, referring to how they taped open his eyes.
"That's photoshop 101," Juice smiles, "the software I got, I can make this guy shit unicorns."
"There will be no shitting anything while I'm this close to that giant ass crack," Venus says, her voice filling the room.
"Hey, are you expecting somebody else?" Chucky asks, still at the window.
"All right. We got enough. Let's wrap this up," Jax says before a young guy is pulled inside.
"Oh shit," the young man said, seeing the fat guy and a tranny, "oh my god. What are you doing to Allen?"
"Charming community theater, baby," Venus says.
"Yeah, right," he pauses, looking at the rest of the guys, "I know who you guys are. You're Sons. Yeah, what, you guys drug him or something?"
He taps his friend, "Allen? Damn. You dudes are totally blackmailing him."
"What do we do with this, Jackie?" Chibs asks.
"Who are you?" Jax asks.
"Devin Price, his stepson."
"Oh, Christ," Bobby says, dramatically.
"No, it's cool. We can work something out."
"Work something out, how?" Jax asks.
The kid starts taking his own pictures.
Hap grabs him and snatches the phone from his grasp.
"Shit, man, ow! What dude? I just want to use this shit against him, too!"
"I'm guessing you two aren't very close," Jax persumes.
"Nah, he's a total dick, man."
"How old are you, sugar?" Venus cuts in.
"Mm. I do like them young and sweet," Venus walks toward him.
"Shit. Dude, you're, like, a dude."
"Why, didn't your daddy every tell you never judge a book by its penis?" She pauses, grabbing his junk, "now, have you ever had your dick sucked by a southern girl with a huge cocktail? Oh, baby, you are in for a treat." Her hands move to the boys face, "I will make you come so hard, it'll make your grandma wet."
She moved his face into her breast.
Juice glanced at Tiggy and he seemed really into what was happening, whereas, Juice wished he'd never agreed to doing this.
"My grandmother's dead," Devin says.
"Well, now you're catching on, young gun."
"Doesn't mean your gay, man. We've all been there," Jax says.
"What, really?" Devin asks.
"Lot of cock," Juice says sarcastically, but the kid is too oblivious to catch on.
"Really?" Devin asks unbelievingly.
The guys all say yeah.
"All you guys?" Devin asks in awe.
"Two dicks," Chibs says.
"Slamming dicks," Juice nods.
"All right, cool. Let's do this," Devin says.
"Pants off. Wrap this...around your eyes. I like the element of surprise. Back there."
He starts going, a huge smile on his face.
"Your in for a treat," Juice says, pretending to be excited for the poor guy.
Venus turns to Jax when the boy is out of ear shot, "now I suggest you clean up Tubby while I get some photos of this disenchanted little boy."
"That would be very helpful," Jax says.
"Oh, I'm not about helping you, blondie. It's about my bottom line."
"I'll give you another grand."
"Two. Okey-dokey?"
Jax nods.
Venus turns and looks at Tigs, "you jealous, Tiger?"
"Kind of."
"I'll know you are," she smiles, walking back.
"All right, let's get Orca back into insurance mode," Jax says.
They all grab him and lift him up.

Venus comes out not five minutes later, with a smiling boy behind him.
She hands Jax the phone.
"You good?" Jax asks Devin.
"Yeah, man. It was...intense."
"So let me tell you what happens now.  You go home. You tell no one about any of this."
"Of course, man."
"'Cause if you do, your step-daddy ain't gonna be the only one with a new photo album. Check it out," he shows him the pictures Venus took, "how would you like these photos blowing up your Facebook page?"
"Dude, really?" Denis asks Venus.
"Love is a fickle beast," she says.
"You understand?" Jax asks.
"Yeah, yeah, no, man. I would never rat on you guys, man. I think the MC'S awesome."
"Yeah, we are. All right."
"Yeah, no, I mean seriously. I'd like to, like, hang out with you guys sometime."
"Sure, why not?" Bobby says.
Juice is holding back a laugh.
"Aye, absolutely," Chibs says, "Come by the clubhouse Saturday morning. You can clean the cum and puke off the bathroom floor."
Devin laughs causing everyone else to laugh at his stupidity.
"Cool, man," Devin says.
"All right. Get out of here," Jax says.
Him and Tig push Devin out the door.
"Thank you, darlin'," Jax says, handing her the rest of the cash.
"Whenever ya'll need a little Venus love, give me a call. I'm the Belle that does not tell," she says, pecking Jax on the lips.
Tig opens the door for her, "good bye, Tiger."
Her hand trails his side before she walks out and he closes the door behind her, then looking after her through the blinds.
"All right, let's get him back," Jax says and they start rolling him.
Fat man wakes up in confusion and bites Tig in the ass.
Happy knocks him out.
"Shit! Oh, shit!" Tig screams, looking at the bite mark and blood on his ass, "why does this always happen to me?"

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