J'ai Obtenu Cette pt.2

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POV: Veronica

Juice hadn't even gotten his food he rushed out of the diner to meet the guys. He didn't have a chance to respond to what she had just told him. She couldn't read his expression to tell how he had reacted to her being ready to get married. Though he did toss a twenty on the table so she wouldn't have to pay. Veronica called Lyla and luckily she was free go join her. Neeta had been watching the kids.

"Hey, you," Ly said, "can I eat this?" She asked, looking at the plate in front of her.

Veronica nodded, "it was suppose to be Juice's but the club called him." Ly took a bite and Veronica continued, "I have some news."

"Bad news?" Lyla looked worried.

"No, no. Good news," she paused, "Juice and I are engaged, have been for awhile now. I think it's finally time to come out with the news and I brought it up to him this morning before he ran out of here."

"Well, what did he say?"

"Nothing, he didn't have time to say anything," Veronica took a bite of her toast, "I figured it wouldn't be a big deal to tell my closest friend, my best friend."

"How long ago did he ask you!"

"Before you announced your engagement to the club."

"Veronica, That's so long ago. How have you been keeping this a secret?"

"There's been a lot happening and we were fighting a lot so we hadn't talked about anything in awhile. Things are finally okay so I brought it up again. Now it's a waiting game to see what Juice says."

"I can't believe after all this time you haven't told anyone!"

"Well, Rick knows but that's it."

"Understandable. He is the brother. The real brother."


Veronica went to the clubhouse at 6:30 and found the guys had just pulled up. She waited by the picnic table for Juice. "Hey, guys. Wait up a second. I have some news," Juice says, causing Jax and Ope from entering into the clubhouse first. Juice glanced at Veronica, "we're engaged. We're getting married." Veronica paused for a second in surprise then slipped off her chain and put her ring onto her finger. A cheer erupted from the boys and she felt strong capable hands lift her up. It was Jax, "congrats, V. I'm so happy for you." He kissed her on the cheek before going to congratulate Juice. Ope came to V next, "congrats, lassy." She smiled, suddenly overwhelmed with joy.  She knew there was a lot of things wrong with the club and she still wanted to get the hell out, but they were still family. They were still the people she wanted at her wedding before her and Juice left for her new life.

Veronica found herself being pushed into Juice and he hugged her, "I love you." He kissed her cheek.

"Meeting in 10, let's give Juice and his old lady a minute," Jax says before all the guys piled into the clubhouse.

"I'm sorry I didn't talk to you before dropping the news like that, I just figured it was ok since you brought--" she cut him off by bringing her lips to his. Her hands were holding his cut and his looped around her waist. "I love you baby girl," he said against her lips. They finally broke apart and her hand caught his.

"So, any news on Rick or anything? Where did you guys go today?"

"A lot has happened today, baby. Rick finally read me into what Jax had in store. He used Rick to get Jail sent away for murdering Pope."

"Pope's dead?" Veronica asked.

He nods, "Gemma lied to help, too. Rick should be in the clear. And Tig's got a dog."

"Tig has a dog?" Veronica makes a face.

"Yeah, he saved one from a fighting ring. He went rogue to do it, too. But isn't that like him? He's a curious man, isn't he?"

"Yeah, he is." Juice looked down at her
ring, "after the meeting, we'll talk about the when and where for the wedding. Sooner the better, right?"

She smiles, "for my sanity, for sure."

He chuckles, "Okay, I'm going in. I love you."

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