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Veronica was about to hop in the shower with her old man when she got a call.
"Hello?" She answered, her tone light.
"It's Eli. Jax knows about Ricky," he says.
"Excuse me?" Veronica asked, not entirely grasping his words.
"He knows Ricky is the rat."
"Did you tell him?" Veronica clutched the counter and felt the anger rising in her.
"He figured it out on his own, I was just the assurance."
"Fuck you, Eli. This is your fault. Now my brother-in-law will die at the hands of club," she ended the call and slammed the phone on the counter.
"Did I hear you correctly?" Juice asks, stepping out of the shower.
Veronica nodded but didn't look at him because she was calling Ricky.
"Give me the phone," Juice said, taking it after wrapping a towel around himself.
She couldn't believe what Eli had told her. She was too pissed to even be put in this situation. If Jax knew, it wouldn't be long before Ricky was dead.
She grabbed her silk robe and slipped it on as she waited for Juice.
Veronica stepped out of the bathroom when he hadn't come back in for several minutes. Her phone was on the bed and he was getting dressed.
"So?" She wanted to know what was going on.
"Jax came to him. Said that if he got proof that Clay was behind the Nomads that him being a rat wouldn't go to the table."
"Shit. Can Jax do that? Can he promise that?"
"Yeah I guess so, but he's probably fucked either way though."
"Juice, should we be thinking about an exit strategy here?" She asked, her mind on their own safety now.
He didn't reply to her and didn't look at her.
"Juice," she murmured, going toward him, but he stepped away from her.
"I have to meet up with the club, I'll see you later," he walked by her without another word.
Veronica sulked onto her bed and started at her phone in anger as if it was the cause of all her problems. She grabbed it and found herself throwing it across the room, which she immediatly regretted when it made contact with the wall. She watched it clatter to the floor, but didn't bother going to check how badly the screen was cracked. Instead, she changed into fresh clothes and quickly applied some make up to her face.
Veronica wasn't gonna just sit around and do nothing. So she went to the clubhouse to see if she could do anything.

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