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Veronica had Lowen make an unofficial deal with the Judge that Veronica, Tara, and Gemma could have one private visit a month with their men. No surveillance and no bars.
Juice was very surprised to hear about this at their first private visit, but they got twenty minutes alone to talk about it.
Veronica came on her twelfth private visit.
She walked into the office and saw her man.
His hair was grown out and he had a mustache. He also had long, light sideburns.
"Hi, baby," he says, grabbing her and pulling her into a hug.
"I talked to Lowen."
"Yeah?" He asks.
"You're out in two and a half months max. But I won't be able to visit you because of some technicalities."
"Thank god. I just want to come home."
She nods, agreeing with him.

Veronica thought that two months went by quickly overall, though there was a few days she felt like screaming. That she in fact had screamed. Not only screamed, but drank herself silly and got herself into more than a few bar fights. She was going crazy without her man.
None of that mattered now though, she leaned against his bike and held his cut as she waited for him outside the prison gates.
She stood amongst the club, knowing full well that this wouldn't be the welcome home she wanted to give him, but she would do her best to make the most of it.
She really wanted to tell him how she was close to finishing the car that he left behind.
She planned to surprise him so she had Ope and Kozak help her a ton because she wasn't a mechanic so she didn't really know what she was doing.
The only things left to do was reupholster the seats, put on some new tires, fresh paint, and attach the new hood that has a carbon layout and extra exhaust, things she didn't understand until Ope explained them to her.
Veronica finally saw them, walking out as a group.
"Wooo!" Everyone clapped and cheered as they approached.
Juice came to Veronica immediatly, smiling.
She had straightened up as he approached her.
She handed him his cut.
He didn't take it, instead he gave her a good, long kiss.
They didn't break the kiss for several seconds.
"Let's get the hell out of here," Clay calls.
Juice slips on his cut then his bike as his old lady wraps her arms around him.
As they drive off, the members flick off the prison as they pass by it.

The guys hit a road block when they get into town. The road block consists of several police vehicles.
Veronica loosens her grip around Juice as he slows to a stop in front of the police barricade, the new sheriff was showing that he was the new authority in town.
"Well, now, you're the welcoming committee, I was kinda hoping for flowers, maybe a bundt cake," Clay says, slipping off his helmet.
"I'm sorry. No cake," the sheriff says.
"What the hell is this, man?" Jax asks.
"Just a friendly heads up. Charming is now under the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin Sheriff Department."
"I'm guessing that's you," Clay smirks, unamused.
"Lieutenant Roosevelt. Charming-Morada substation is my command."
"Well, you got to show everyone how big your stick is, Teddy. Can we go now?" Jax asks.
"The conditions of your release state that no gang colors or identifying clothing may be worn in public."
"We're not a gang. We're a motorcycle club," Clay says.
"The federal government diasagrees. So the next time I see anyone of you who got out today wearing cuts, well, they'll belong to me," Roosevelt pauses, "we clear? Welcome home, gentlemen."
Roosevelt backs up, twirling his finger and all the cops, including him get back in their cars and clear the road block.
They drive on toward the clubhouse.
They pull in after several moments and Roni slips off the bike.
She is surprised when Juice quickly makes his way to the members that stayed out, including his brother.
She knew he greeted her at the prison, but perhaps she was just over thinking it.
Veronica watched Jax hug his mom then walked over to Tara and their two boys. Abel had gotten big, he was no longer the lost baby that was saved over a year ago. Thomas, however, was still small. Just a few months old, but already growing his first tooth.
"Chapel, ten minutes," Clay announces from behind her.
"You, too, V," Clay says.
She shakes her head, "you guys are back. I'm done. I'm not a substitute because the full member is back."
"Alright, well, thank you for doing what you did. You were an excellent asset."
She smiled, watching him walk toward the club house.
Her gaze returned to Juice. He was still talking to his brother. She felt a twinge if jealousy, she'd barely gotten a minute with her old man and Ricky was getting five plus Chapel. Which was her fault that she declined, but she was done being calloused into this hard, old lady. She wanted to be sensitive. She wanted to be able to show Juice that just because the club does some stuff doesn't mean it was right. Veronica wanted to he the voice of reason in all the chaos he had in his head because of the club.

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