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Chibs, Tigs, and Kozik called Veronica early on Sunday. Juice was still sleeping and she went to Teller-Morrow.
"You want to finish it before Juice sees it, right?"
She nods, "that would be ideal."
"We were here last night, working on it. The only think left is the upholstry. We figured you want to do the honors," Chibs says.
She smiles and the four of them go to work and on the upholstry. They finish in an hour and she examines the car.
"It's beautiful," she said, admiring the handiwork of the Sons.
"It 'tis, lass," Chibs says, agreeing with her easily.
"Don't let him see it in the morning. I'll come in after the Chapel meeting and show him."
"Sounds good," Kozik says.

She texted Juice and then headed to Teller-Morrow. He was waiting for her when she pulled in.
"Hey, you," she smiled, approaching him.
He didn't smile and he looked distracted.
"Baby?" She asked, concerned for him.
"The club wants to work with the cartel," his voice was quiet.
"That's a bad idea," she said, thinking about him going back in. That was her greatest fear. Him going back in.
"Like a really bad idea. You could go back to jail for a long time, baby. I can't do it again. Not again."
"I might not have a say," his breath is short.
She let out a long sigh, not wanting to think of that any longer, "okay, on to good news then. I have something to show you."
"What?" He asks, looking at her skeptically.
She guides him to the garage.
"You finished it."
"Not alone, but yeah. I did it for you."
Juice laughs.
"What?" She asks, confused.
"I got this car for you. I wanted to fix it up with you and give it to you."
She smiles, "Whoa. We're the same?"
"Oh, yeah, baby," he kisses her, loving the connection that they had between them. One that was unexplainable. It was different than anyone's in the club.
She smiles evilly.
"I know that look, what are you thinking?" He smiles at her.
"I don't think we've had sex in a car in a long time," she smirks seductively, backing up toward the car.
"People are here."
"I thought you were a risk taker?" She asks, pulling off her shirt.
She turns and walks toward the car, dropping her bra to the ground.
"Fuck, baby," he follows.

Veronica drove the car home, satisfied with its remodel. The breaks worked nicely and the emission and transmission seemed to be working well. She would need to bring it back into Teller-Morrow for the official tests, but she insisted on driving it and nobody stopped her.
She went home and cleaned up the house, cooked dinner, and took a nap, knowing Juice may or may not be home late.

The next day, Juice woke Veronica up by getting on top of her and giving her a long kiss.
Her hands went over his head and he found that it was freshly shaven. She frowned, opening her eyes and seeing that his mustache was gone too.
"What's that look for?" He asks.
"All your hair is gone!"
"You liked my hair?"
"I may or may not have found it attractive," she smiles.
"So you may or may not find this less attractive?" He asks, offended.
"Less attractive, no. Different attractive, absolutely. I love your tattoos," she grabbed his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss.
"I don't know what you mean," he jokes.
"Juan, I think you know that you're always fucking hot."
He smiles, pulling himself off of her.
"Building gun crates today," he tells her, pulling on some clothes.
"Sounds riveting," she muttered.
"What are you doing today?"
"I couldn't tell ya. I'll think of something."
"Ricky might need a hand with something today," he says, non-specific.
"That's specific," she said the sarcasm thick in her tone.
"I don't know. He brought up something the other night. He brought you up, too. Maybe you should give him a call."
"Okay, baby."

Veronica had cleaned herself up when Juice left and threw on some ratty jeans and tshirt.
She grabbed her phone and called Ricky.
"Hello?" He asks.
"Hey, bud. It's me," she said, unsure of what to say to him.
"Veronica, what do you need? Juice isn't with me," He asks, expecting.
"I know. I called for you. What are you up to?"
"I'm going to the smoke shop, why?"
"Can I come?"
"I'll be there in five," with that he hung up.
She grabbed her smoke card and waited outside.
He pulled up on his bike into her driveway.
She walked over, "thanks for letting me come."
He nodded, giving her his helmet because he knew Juice would have preferred that.
He sped along, getting there in under five minutes.
"Ready to feel weightless, V?" He asks, smiling at her.
She laughs, following him into the smoke shop.
Veronica had never been to this smoke shop before. It was very relaxed. A lounge area in the middle and a class counter on the back wall with bowls and bongs and different types of edibles.
The aesthetic was beyond relaxing, due to the incense they burned and the purple colored walls. She was handed a free brownie sample and fell onto one of the couches in ease.
Ricky went to the counter, buying a few things the returning to sit beside Veronica who had begun to feel tingly.
"Try this, I swear it'll give you the best high of your life," he says, handing her a handful of gummy bears.
"These just look like normal gummies," she remarked, eating them all at once.
"Taste like normal gummies, too."
"Give it fifteen minutes, they won't seem so normal after all," he smiled, eating some.
He was right, not fifteen minutes later and she was feeling on top of the world. Everything seemed brighter and better in her eyes. Even the sloppy druggie across from her that probably came here everyday.
"Holy shit."
"I told you," he laughed.
"This is great. Why haven't you ever taken me here before?"
"I didn't really think you were into this stuff."
"I wasn't really, but I am now," she laughs, enjoying herself.
"I'll take you next time, don't worry."
"Yes, V?"
"How are you?"
"I'm great."
"No, I mean. Juice had said you guys we're up talking at the club last week, but that was all he said. Are you okay?" She asked, feeling that it was okay to bring it up because they were both high as kites.
"Um, I was seeing someone. It didn't work out.  Nobody knew, but I told Juice. Don't tell anyone else please."
"Of course not."
"Okay, let's go. It's almost two and the club wants me running an errand for them soon."
"Two? It feels like we got here a half hour ago," she commented, following him outside.
They barely made it outside when cop backed out in front of them, it's lights on and siren going off.
"If you're going in I recommend the green tea and mint," Ricky's tone oozed sarcasm and the cops looked unamused as the came out.
"Hands on the wall. Let's go."
Ricky and Veronica looked at each other, but made no movement toward the wall.
The taller cop took Veronica and pushed toward the wall, a little too roughly.
"Be careful with her, would ya?" Rick said, now beside her on the wall.
The cops patted them down and found weed in Rick's pocket.
"We got a card for that," V mumbles and Ricky hands it to her.
"Congratulations, but the federal government doesn't give a shit," the gringo cop, handling Rick says.
"Is this some sort of joke?" Ricky asks as they handcuff him.
"Does that feel like a joke?" The other cop says, backing off of V.
They shove Ricky into the cop car.
"Hey, wait!" She calls.
The cop turns, "what?"
"You're taking my ride!"
"I'm sure you can find another one," he says, slipping in and driving off.
She scoffs, pulling out her phone to call Juice.
"Baby, now isn't the best time."
"When is it ever? I need a ride. I went to the smoke shop with Rick, but the cops came and took him."
"Just him?"
"Yeah, that's weird right? Anyway, please pick me up."
"Yeah, it's very weird that they didn't take the two of you. I'll be there in fifteen."

Juice pulled up in the Chevy to Veronica's surprise.
"Why do you have the car?" She asks, sliding into the passengers side.
"I was getting the tests done for you. Everything looks good."
"So, give me a blow by blow of what happened."
"He picked me up, we went in and I ate some edibles so I'm pretty high right now. We left and the cops pulled up, pushed us against the wall. Frisked us. Found weed. Took Rick."
"That's not great. We're going to stop by the station and see what going on."
"Okay, baby. Whatever you want to do."
He drives in silence, pulling into the station ten minutes later.
"Stay here, this shouldn't take long."
She waited, watching him go in before changing the radio station to country.
Veronica sings along to a Luke Byran song and doesn't notice Juice come back to the car until the door opens and closes.
"He's not there anymore. I'll talk to him at Chapel tonight when we vote on the cartel."

Juice bursts into their bedroom later and throws on the light without a thought.
Veronica's eyes flicker open and the light burns her eyes for a moment before they adjust.
She looks at the clock and see that it's ten at night.
"Baby?" She finally says.
"The running drugs went trough," he said, his voice seemingly a million miles away as he stripped down to his boxers.
"And Ricky?"
"He took off right before I got a chance to talk to him after Chapel."
"Did you call him,"
"Six times and texted a few."
"I guess just leave him be for now then."
"That's the plan," he says, kneeling on the bed and turning the light off by the fan so that the fan would still run.
She feels him fall beside her, his arm resting on her stomach.

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