Small World

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Veronica read about the home invasion that put Roosevelt's wife into intensive care. She felt terrible even if she didn't particular like all that Roosevelt had done by dragging Ricky down. However, Rita, his wife, had never done anything to hurt the club. She threw some of her extra muffins into some blue tubber wear and took it to the hospital.
She stopped for sympathy flowers, too.
Veronica walked off the elevator on the intensive care level, holding the muffins and flowers. She immediately saw Roosevelt. He seemed different without his uniform on. More mundane, dressed in blue jeans and a jacket.
She set down the sympathy gifts onto the table in front of him.
He glanced up at her.
"How's she doing?" Veronica asks, her voice seemingly distant to her, but eventually focused.
"She fought back. Gave one of them a pretty good scratch," he said, avoiding eye contact and sipping his coffee.
"Good for her. Then DNA?" Veronica asked.
"I sent it to the lab."
She nodded, sitting in a chair to his right, "they got you on mandatory leave?"
"Yeah. Ten days."
"Anything you need a hand with?"
"I'm not stepping away from this."
"Understandable. If it were Juice...anyway, if I can help with anything..."
"Ya know, it's tied to the MC," he said, sounding so sure.
A nurse appeared, "Mr. Roosevelt, may I speak to you?"
Eli got up, leaving behind her sympathy gifts and following the nurse.
Veronica made her way out to leave when she spotted Juice in his tight, dark cargo pants and a black zip up.
She walked up, "what are you doing here?"
Her voice sounded a little harsher than she intended, she was, in fact, really happy to see him. They'd been distant from each other and she was running on a few hours of sleep in the last week. Veronica had learned she was too dependant on him being in bed beside her that her mind rendered her incapable to sleep without him.
She nodded, her arm reached out to grab his hand, but she stopped herself.
She saw Clay come out and Juice barely glanced at her, "see ya later."

"I pressed Pope on these home invasions. He swears it ain't coming from him. He's gonna dig into the street, see if he can turn up some new Intel, but--" Jax says, but Tigger cuts him off.
"Jax. You believe this guy?" Tig asks.
"Look, we all know who this guy is and what he's capable of. But what he's doing now suggests he's telling the truth."
"Like what, taking half out muling cut?" Hap asks.
"Like offering to double it," Jax says and Bobby throws a wad of cash on the table, "Pope can push another thirty keys east through Reno. We talked to Luis. Galindo can easily up the supply. Now, what the means for us is we'll haul sixty keys from A-Z. Pope gives us the fifty he was gonna take...adds another hundred on top."
"This guy realizes he can make a lot more money if we're an ally," Bobby adds.
"Ya know, I've seen guys like Damon Pope before. I know how they operate. They make you offers too good to pass up, they line your pockets with easy cash, and before you know it, you wearing shackles, calling him Massa," Clay says.
"My club is never gonna be anyone's boy," Jax says.
"Clay's right man. This shit takes us deeper," Juice says, not wanting that.
"We're getting out of ghetto coke haul. That's a promise. But for now, for me, this makes sense. Let's vote it. Everyone in favor," Jax pauses, "yea."
"Yea," Bobby says.
"No," Juice says.
"I'm sorry, man. It's a mistake. No," Clay says.
"Yeah," Tig says.
"Aye," Chibs says, ending the vote.
"Six-five. Passes," Jax says, banging the gavel to dismiss the club.
Juice walks out heavy footed, he thought they'd be close to done with the Cartel, but by the sounds of it they ain't no where near done.

Veronica was propped up by several pillows while she read an article about the MacBook Pro. It was almost eleven and she was exhausted from the lack of sleep. She stretched out her pillows and put the article on the night stand.
She held the blanket tight around her, trying to get comfortable, but all she could think about was seeing Juice and realizing how much she needed him even if he was on some sort of pause from talking to her.
Veronica tried harder to sleep, but it just wasn't happening so she threw off the blanket and grabbed one of his black zip-ups.
She put it on as she walked out of the house and slipped into her car, driving to the clubhouse.
After she pulled in, she made sure his bike was there and lucky for her, it was.
She barged in, seeing Chibs and Tiggy drinking a beer at the bar.
"Hey, V," they said.
She waved, walking back toward his dorm.
She knocked slightly, but opened it before a response was given.
Juice was still awake with his glasses on, propped up, reading a motorcycle magazine.
"Baby?" He asks, looking up and seeing his old lady.
She closed the door behind her and crawled into bed beside him.
"I missed you. I can't sleep without you. I don't care if you don't want to talk right now, I just need to be with you," she said, wrapping her arms around his waist.
He ran a hand down her back, setting aside his magazine.
"Working with Pope and the cartel got pushed into day. Sixty keys instead of thirty. Jax is driving us deeper in, baby."
"I thought he was getting you guys out."
"He promised he would, just not today."
She said nothing.
"We have to talk, I know we do, but not right now. I'm too tired, baby. I haven't been sleeping well without you," he says.
"Neither have I," she says, sitting up.
Veronica leaned in and he grabbed her face, giving her a long kiss.
He fixed the pillows and shuts out the light.
She rests her head on his chest, "Juice."
"Yes, baby?"
"I love those cargo pants on you. You looked..." she trailed off, her hand trailing his leg.
"Oh, yeah?" He asks seductively and she could hear the smile in his voice.

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