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Veronica stops and picks up some coffee and bagels before going to see Tara.
She knocks lightly on Tara's front door.
"Hi, Veronica," Tara greets, distantly.
"I brought bagels and coffee."
"You didn't have to."
"I wanted to. Can I come in?"
"Oh yeah, of course."
Veronica sits down in the kitchen and Tara brings plates.
"How are you guys holding up?"
"Jax is destroyed and I wish I could have done something to stop it."
"I can't even imagine what you're going through but trust me. I'm keeping an eye on the web. I want this family back together."
"I appreciate that."
Tara spreads cream cheese on her bagel.
"And If you need anything."
Tara nods.
Veronica takes a bit of her own bagel.
"How are you holding up with the Zobelle thing?"
"I just want it to be over but Juice wants justice. That's up to him."
She nods.

Veronica spent a few hours with Tara before heading to the club to do some searching for Abel in whatever databases she could get into.
She wasn't finding much and she was getting frustrated.
She wanted to find him before the Irish man took him out of the country. She ran her fingers through her hair, sighing.
She pushes herself up, onto her feet and strolls into the small kitchen in the clubhouse.
She pours a cup of coffee.
"How's it going?" Juice asks.
"I hear you."
"Any luck on your end?"
"Hardly. Found the kids hat."
"More than I have found."
"We should head home and get ready for the wake."
"Yeah," Veronica agrees, following him to his bike.
She gets on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.
The ride was short but it gave her a peace that she hadn't felt since before the incident.
"Baby, we're home. You can let go."
She hadn't even noticed.
"Oh," she slides off and starts to walk to the front door but he snatches her hand.
"Are you alright?" He asks.
She looks at him.
She sighs, "I -- yeah."
Veronica leans in, giving him a peck.
Veronica went inside and took her time getting ready.
Juice jumps into the shower while she looks for a black dress.
She settles on a simple, halter dress.

"Are you ready?" Juice asks at a quarter to seven.
Veronica nods, slipping on black heels.
They drive to the funeral home for the wake.
Veronica hadn't known Half Sack well, but she knew he said a lot of the wrong things, but the club still adored him.
That's how she wanted to remember him.
Juice takes her hand as they walk in.
They walk up to the casket. Juice rests his hand on it and Veronica squeezes his other hand before letting him be with the club.
She overheard several people saying things like, "he was too young to die" or "Kip deserved better."
They we're right but he made his own choices. His. That's what he wanted.
"C'mon" Juice says, grabbing her hand again as they walk out with the Charming members.
Veronica sees a van going by. She gets a bad feeling then she sees the automatic appear.
"Juice!" But the gun was already going.
He pushed her to the ground, covering her before pulling out his gun.
She was on her back, looking up at Juice with his gun out stretched.
Everything was in slow motion.
"Are you alright?" He mouthed but he wasn't mouthing, he was speaking.
"Veronica!" He says shouts, sounds comes into focus and she hears the chaos of the crowd.
He checks her up and down.
That's when she feels her arm.
"You've been shot."
"I am okay," she says, slowly.
He pulls her to her feet.
She sees David Hale in road.
She pushes passed Juice.
"Shit," she heard Uncer say when he too, sees Hale.
Veronica collapses to her knees.
"David?!" She said, desperately. She adjusted his head, but his head wound was too severe. He was dead and she was covered in his blood and her own.
Others ran over to him.
Veronica realized she was crying.
She fell onto her ass, head in her hands.
The man who got her through the rape and was there for her regardless of how he felt about the club was now dead.
Juice kneels beside her, resting his hand on her shoulder.
"Who the fuck would do this? What kind of sadistic prick would do this?" She looks at Juice for answers.
He's looking over his shoulder at Jax who is beating up the shooter.
"I guess I'll find out."
He goes to stand, but she grabs him.
He pulls her to her feet and they look over at Jax who was just pulled off the shooter.
She clutches his arm.
He wraps his arm around her.

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