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Veronica took the few days that Ricky spent over to get to know him. He was almost nothing like Juice. He didn't know anything about computers. He wasn't interested in commitment with a girl--only commitment for the club which I guess she didn't know if Juice felt the same way. You could tell him and Juice were related but not by much. She walked Ricky to the door on his last day.
"It was nice getting to know you," she told him.
"Yeah, you too."
He got on his motorcycle and drove off.
She sighed. She felt dissatisfied by his response but went back inside to change.
She slipped on black skinny jeans and a peplum floral shirt along with black converse.
She went for a drive and ended up at the bar that she met Grimes at.
She didn't come to be picked up because she was happy with Juice.
She came to have a martini and go.

Veronica left after 2 apple martini's and thought she should call Juice for a ride but she realized she left her phone at home. She began to walk home. A jeep pulled up next to her after a mile.
"Hey lady, long time no see," Grimes says.
"Tom," she replied, a little drunkenly.
"Do you need a ride?"
"That would be splendid."
She slid into the passenger side.
"Where should I drop you?"
"Main Street," she said, deciding that was close enough to Teller-Morrow automotive.
Grimes pulled to the curb after the five minute drive.
"Thanks," she said.

Juice noticed a police Jeep across across the street from the club. He walked toward it and saw Veronica. She reached for the door buy police Grimes pulled her towards him. He said something and kissed her.
Juice looked at the scene astonished. He waited for a second to see if she would pull away but he had no patience, he turned and walked back to the club.
Juice thought what him and Veronica had was special but apparently she didn't think so.
He called on a sweetbutt after getting inside the club. They went go his room and they kissed ones then he pushed her to her knees.

Veronica pushed Grimes away.
"I'm done hooking up," she told him.
"I've met someone who is very, very important to me and I don't want to do anything to ruin that."
"You said you weren't looking for anything serious."
"I wasn't then I became friends with him. It developed to something else. Now he's exactly what I need."
"Try to understand," she said and got out.
Veronica made her way to Juice's room. It was locked and she could hear moans, sounding similiar to Juice's.
"Juice!" She yelled.
"I'm busy," he called back.
"I won't leave till you open the door and I won't stop yelling."
He threw open the door after a long pause.
He looked pissed.
"What the hell," she said.
"Yeah, what the hell."
"I don't tolerate cheating," she told him.
"Neither do I."
"What.." she then decided he must have seen her.
"I wasn't! I was coming go talk to you and you had to be immature and fuck a sweetbutt instead of coming to me when you saw. Tom and I had a fling before you and me. He kissed me and I pushed him away and told him I was seeing someone and that it was getting kind of serious. I know it happened fast but this is serious, right?"
"You drive me batty," he said, grabbing her face and laying a rough kiss on her mouth.
Veronica smiled in triumph and saw the sweetbutt was fully clothed. She turned to look at Juice.
"She only gave me head."
"Oh only."
"Kissed a little too," he said, apologetically.
"Thanks for getting him worked up, you can leave though. I'm about to fuck my guy," she said to the sweetbutt.
"Ehh," the sweetbutt made a noise and ran out.
"We are so dysfunctional," Juice laughed.
Veronica surprised Juice by throwing her arms around his neck for a hug.
He embraced her without hestitation.
"If I ever see that cunt again, I will beat her ass," she said after a long minute. He tried not to smile.
"No cheating," he proclaimed.
"Agreed, no cheating."
He began to pull away but she resisted.
"I'm not done."
He smiled.
"You never answered my question," she said.
"My whole rant?" She tried without wanting to ask again.
"This is serious. I might actually tell the club."
She kissed his cheek and pulled away.
"Were you serious about boning?"
She smiled.
"No, i'd rather you took a shower first. I don't want anything to do with that girl," she told him.
"Okay," he laughed.
They walked out and see the guys.
"What was that ruckus all about?" Chibs inquires.
Veronica nudged Juice.
"Roni and I have been seeing each other."
"I knew it," Tigs muttered.
"Figured!" Another said.
"No congratulations?" Veronica jokes.
"Not yet, princess," Tig says.
"Well, nice to see all of you but Juice will be taking me home now. Goodbye," she says, walking out to his bike.
She waits for Juice while he says a few words to his comrades.
He comes out and she wonders how she got so lucky.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"Well Juan Carlos, that's for me to know and you to find out," she smirked.

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