June Wedding

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The stolen car starts up and Veronica squirms in the trunk.
She feels the rope digging into her wrists and ankles.
He hadn't killed her, but that doesn't mean she wouldn't be dead soon. She tried to think up a plan, but she was hopeless in the position she was in now.
Veronica attempts to get the bandana over her mouth, but she ends up gagging. She had almost thrown up on herself.
She closes her eyes and think about Juice's smile.
She imagines herself kissing him and laying beside him in their bed.
Eventually Salazar pulls her out of the trunk and pushes her toward Jacob Hale's office.
"Don't do anything stupid," Salazar says as he pushes her through the door.
"Veronica," Sarah, the receptionist, spoke.
"We're here to see Jacob," her voice was gentle, but firm not wanting to piss Salazar off.
Jacob walks out of his office.
Salazar pulls a gun on him and pushes Veronica into his office, causing Hale to backtrack. Sarah had screamed.
"We got ourselves a hostage siuation," Salazar says.
Salazar closes and locks Jacob's office door.
He then ties the two of his hostages up.
Salazar slams a telephone on the ground between Jacob and Veronica.
He speaks directly to Jacob, "their gonna be calling any minute. You're gonna do the talking. Write this down."
He throws a pen and a notepad at her.
"I want a police vehicle. Like a swat van. Something secure. I want enough food, water, and gas to get to Tecate."
"Mexico?" Veronica asks.
"No. New Zealand. What do you think, bitch?" He asks, sarcastically.
"I want the roads clear of cops and safe passage over the boarder."
"And let me guess, a suitcase full of money," Jacob chimes in.
"No, there is only one another thing I want. I want Juice Ortiz. "
Veronica's heart sank in her chest.
"Salazar.." She started but the phone started ringing.
"Answer the phone."
Jacob does as he's told and lists out all of Salazar's demands.
After a few minutes he hands up, "their sending in Juice."
Salazar says nothing, but goes to his black duffle and pulls out a knife.
"You're going to kill him."
"No. First I'm going to kill you and make him watch. Then I'm going to kill him."
A knock on the door.
Salazar sighs, slamming the knife into a book before grabbing his gun.
He turns and opens the door, revealing Juice.
"Come on. Come on," Salazar rushes him in.
Veronica and Juice make eye contact.
Juice walks in, looking pissed and upset.
"Shut the door."
Juice does as he is told.
"Get 'em up," Salazar says about his arms and he does.
Salazar pats him down.
"Come on, come on. Sit down. I said sit down!" Salazar shoves Juice into a chair.
Juice looks at Salazar intently, waiting.
"Let her go."
Salazar laughs, hitting Juice with his gun. He doesn't make a noise, but when his hard gaze returns to Salazar she can see blood trickling down his mouth.
Veronica let's out a curse.
"You don't tell me what to do!"
Salazar grabs his knife and motions for Veronica to stand up.
She doesn't and he puts the knife to her neck which makes Juice nervous. His eyes plead for her to obey.
"Okay. Okay" Veronica said, getting up.
Juice goes for him.
"Hey!" Salazar points his gun and Jacob stabs him with a pen.
Salazar hits Jacob in the face and Juice tackles him.
Veronica watches, unsure of what to do. To her everything was a blur. She wasn't even thinking. She forgot how to think.
Salazar gets up and runs out of Hale's office.
Juice runs back, putting a gun in his old lady's hand and his other on her cheek.
"You kill anyone that's not a cop," he says, kissing her quick, grabbing the knife and running after Salazar.
She couldn't even get a word out.
Armed guards run into the office.
They quickly check the room and then tend to the hostages.
They untie Veronica firsts and she pushes passed the guards even though they told her to stay back.
Veronica watches down the hallway where the swat team was.
She stood there several minutes before Juice came out, clutching his wrist.
She saw blood.
"Baby," she ran down and he threw his arm over her shoulder.
"I'm fine."
"You don't look fine. You're bleeding in more places than one."
"And you have a black eye."
Veronica touched her eye, she'd forgotten about the bitch punching her and she now realized her eye was throbbing.
"Yeah, courtesy of Salazar's whore."
They walked out and she dragged him to the ambulance.
They began to stitch up his arm.
Veronica waited not far away and returned to his when they were done.
She rested her hand on his face.
"What a great welcome home," she said, sarcastically and he chuckled.
Juice slipped his arms around her upper thighs.
She bent down and planted a kiss on his lips.

Veronica sat beside Juice at the table in the club house.
"Whatever happens with these charges, we're looking at time. Now we've got a game changer with this new Irish opportunity. I'm not gonna let that slip through my fingers, even if I've got to rub it out of Stockholm yard. Which means SAMCRO is going to need some bodies to make this happen. We got six guys willing to make the transfer," Clay says.
"Voting them is going to take place after we're on the inside," Bobby chimes in.
"Which means we got to vote in a new member before we go away. We need Kozak to stay home. Jax, Piney's proxies yay. Me. Yay."
"No," Tig says, standing up.
"Sorry, can't do it," Tigs adds, walking out.
Clay hits his gavel and Veronica looks at Juice.
"Let's go home," Juice mutters as people start to leave.

Veronica cuddles into Juice.
"I missed you."
"I know, baby. I love you," he says, looking at her.
"I love you endlessly," She whispers.
He kisses her slowly, but almost urgently.
She holds his neck, pulling him as close as she can.
"I don't want you to go back in," She says against his lips.
"I have to do my time."
"I'm so scared," She says, inaudibly.
"Don't be," he somehow hears her and kisses her.

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