With an X

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"Then why am I only looking at Twenty-nine bricks?" the Mayan President, Marcus, asks, accusingly.
"Why don't you ask your boy here?" Jax says, pointing the finger.
"Ask yours, asshole," Rafi spit out.
"No, we didn't take the blow."
"Well, somebody did," Marcus says.
"It was all there before ten. I came by after I hit the weed shop and did a walk-through. Ask him," Rick nods at Rafi.
"Yeah, he was here at nine thirty."
"So you were the last one here," Marcus turns to him.
Juice watches his brother scoff and reply, "yeah, I stuck a key of blow down my pants and just walked out. Douche bag."
Marcus comes at him and Juice stood in front of his brother as Mayan soldiers stood in front of their boss to separate them.
"Hey, easy," Jax says.
Jax throws a punch.
Clay pulls his gun and shoots at the ceiling, all eyes fall on him.
"Now killing each other won't solve anything," Clay says, nodding at Tigs.
"Come on. Let's go," Tigs nods toward the door.
"Get out," Marcus says.
The members begin to pile out.
"It's alright, bro. Go on," Jax says to Rick.
"Come on, little brother," Juice says, grabbing his brother's shoulder and guiding him out.

Ricky can feel himself sweating in his black hoodie that's covering his cut.
He rips both the hoodie and cut off his body, laying it down on a stool nearby.
He glances down at his white shirt, making sure it wasn't soaked in sweat. He didn't need himself looking as guilty as he felt.
Tigs called in one of the prospects for Happy to interrogate.
"Clay, we didn't take any coke," Phillip, the prospect says, "shit, me and Rat, we didn't even know what the hell was in there."
"It wasn't us, it had to be the Mayan," Rat backs Phillip up for his ass and his buddies ass, "he was off by himself for most of the night."
Rick looks at Clay as he responds, "we'll get to the truth."
Banging comes from the other room and Miles is screaming bloody murder.
Rick runs his hand over his short black hair, wishing he'd never done what he did.
Happy comes out a half hour later with a hammer in his hands, "next."
"You're up, Rat."
They try to argue again.
"We didn't take the blow man."
"Tell that to happy," Clay responds, apathetic.
"This is bullshit! I'm not going to be taken apart by that psycho," Rat says, panicking.
"Come on, Clay. He didn't take it. None of us did," Phillip walks toward the P and VP, "this is--"
Jax jumps up and shoves him, having enough of the bullshit himself.
"This is crazy," Phillip says.
A cell phone goes off and Tig answers.
"I'm waiting," Hap says, twirling the hammer in his hands.
"Maybe there's a simpler way to do this," Jax says, calmly.
"Clay," Tigs interupts, "I got a thing in T.M. uh, my kid just showed up."
"Which one?" Juice asks, leaning against the wall opposite of him.
"The crazy one."
"Which one?" Jax asks for clarification with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah, I know."
Clay waves him off and Tig takes off.
"I'm going with him," Bobby says.
Clay jumps down from where he was sitting, "I think we can handle it."
Clay walks toward by the gun room, "in the gun room."
Phillip stands in front of Jax hesitant.
"Now!" Clay's voice ripples loudly through the small space and Phillip instantly turns and follows.
Juice follows the boys and glances back, seeing Rick take in a deep breath and follow.
He wonders what is going on inside his head, you okay, little brother?"
"Yeah. I'm good."
The club gathers around the table and Jax sets down a gun.
"It's about commitment. Love for the club. You get through this, we'll know you had nothing to do with the missing brick."
"If you can't, pussy out. Means you ain't straight with why you're here. Also means you probably ripped us off," Ope adds to Jackson's statement.
"Is there really a bullet in there?" Phillip asks.
"One round. Five empty chambers. Only have to pull the trigger once," Jax says.
"It's the best odds you're going to get," Chibs says.
Rick's hands are spread out on the tail end of the table, looking at Jax. He can feel himself shaking slightly.
He watches Jax pick up the gun and spin the chamber of the gun before putting it in front of Phillip.
"Shit," he mutters, picking up the gun and putting it to his head.
Phillip shuts his eyes, his whole body shaking, "please."
He pulls the trigger and it clicks. No bullet in the head. No blood splattered over Chibs.
Ope gets a call and steps away to take it.
Jax picks up the gun, his face blank and spins the chamber again before setting it in front of Rat.
"Your turn," Jax says.
"No way there's a real bullet in there. If it went off that'd be like murder," Rat says.
Rick grabs the end of the table, gripping it tight, wanting this to be done.
"What's your point?" Jax asks.
"Jesus Christ. You're really--"
"Are you in it out!?" Jax yells.
Rat picks up the gun, bringing it to his head. He screams and pulls the trigger. No bullet.
Phillip turns away from Chibs and vomits on the ground.
This is all my fault. Rick couldn't stop thinking that. Over and over. He had fucked up big time.
Ope returned, "yo, we got a problem."
"Yeah?" Jax asks.
Jax goes to Ope and he mutters in his ear.
Jax nods for his full members to come.
They walk out the door toward their bikes.
"Where are you going?" Clay asks as the five guys come out.
"Domestic problem at the club," Ope says.
"Psycho porn star pulled a gun on Gemma and the girls," Jax clarifies.
"Jesus Christ. Are they alright?" Clay asks.
"Was Veronica there?" Juice's voice was thick with worry.
"We'll find out if there okay and I don't know about Veronica. Gemma didn't say."
"Clay, I really think these guys are telling the truth," Rick says, walking beside him.
"Yeah, prospects made it through roulette," Jax agreed.
"Check in with Alverez. See if we can get an ETA on Romeo," Clay says.
"Done. And you, go with them. They think you're in the ER," Chibs says to Miles, the other prospect.
"So what- what do I do with these guys?" Chibs asks as the guys pile on the bikes.
"Cage match?" Jax shrugs.
"Yeah," Clay agrees.
"Lovely," Chibs says and walks back into the shed followed by Rick.
Juice takes off on his bike, wanting to make sure his old lady is alive and safe.
Juice beats the guys and backs his bike into his spot.
His old lady comes banging out, looking fine as ever.
Gemma is close behind her.
"You good, baby?"
Veronica nodded, watching as the other members pulled in and backed up.
"You good?" Clay asks Gemma as she walks to the clubhouse.
They all follow her.
Juice lags behind, throwing his arm around his old lady.
"Where's Lyla?" Ope asks.
"She took off. She said some cruel shit, Ope. This may be none of my business, but you hooking up--"
"Mom, don't," Jax cut her off.
"Bitch pulled a gun on me."
"No, she's right. It's my shit."
Ope passes Piney and Piney knocks him to the ground with his oxygen tank.
Ope falls on his hands and knees.
"Shit," Juice mutters, his grip on Veronica tightening.
Ope stood up and Piney spoke, "your dick almost got people killed. I don't even know who you are anymore."
Piney brushed passed him and Ope just stared.

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