Na Triobloidi

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Veronica approached the Charming police department where the club was waiting for Zobella to get out.
She goes to Juice who is next to Chibs on a police cruiser.
"Hey baby," Juice says.
"Roni!" Chibs exclaims.
"Hi" she pecks Juices lips, he wraps his arms around her neck.
He smirks.
There is a low whistle coming from the entrance.
The club and family surround Uncer.
"What?" Clay asks.
"Stahl's been locked in a room with FBI, two hours now. No idea whats going on."
"What about Weston?" Jax asks.
"Still waiting to hear from the DA. I'm sorry" Uncer says, going back inside.
"Half sack stay with my mom and Tara" Jax says.
"Maybe stay with them," Juice says, squeezing his old lady's hand.
She nods, "keep me updated."
He pecks her quickly.
She makes her way to her bike and follows behind half sack for awhile then pulls away. She drives north, getting onto the highway.
She doesn't know where she is going, but she just drives.
She gets onto I-88. She thinks about Juice. Everything developed so quickly, but she wouldn't have had it any other way.
She thinks about the rape and the club. A thousand thought seem to be wandering and spiraling in her head.
Every thought takes her back to Juice. He is the only thing keeping her moving and functioning.
Eventually she runs out of gas.
She pulls off onto the shoulder, running her hand through her hair.
She sighs, knowing Juice won't be too happy with her for not listening to him.
She calls Juice, instinctively.
"Babe, where are you?" He sounds worried, but also preoccupied.
"I went for a ride, ran out of gas. I'm on north I-88 about twenty miles out."
"Veronica. I don't have time for this" he sounds frustrated, but not quite mad.
"Forget it, I'll call a taxi" she says, feeling hurt.
"No. I'll be there in thirty."
She hung up and sat on the side of the highway.
She was honked at several times and even a few truckers attempted to pull over and get her to come along, but she was firm in her no.
She heard Juice's motorcycle about when he estimated he would get her.
He gets off his bike.
"Why today? We're in the midst of this shit and you pick today to pull this?"
"I wasn't trying to pull anything."
"Yeah. okay" he says, sarcastically.
"Fuck you. I thought of all people, you would be the most understanding."
"Understanding of what? you pulling this stunt?"
She felt tears begin to emerge.
"Why did you even come if you were just gonna be an asshole."
She turns away, wiping away the few fallen tears.
"Let's go," he mumbles in a gentler tone.
She gets on his bike without a word.
He drops her off in town, "it's getting done today. I will see you later."
He left just like that.

Veronica waits at home for Juice and he walks in at ten thirty, looking distraught.
"Fuck," he breathes out.
"Zobelle didn't get taken out as plan, half sack was killed, and Abel was kidnapped."
He looks seconds away from frustration tears.
Veronica pulls him to her after a moment of shock at the overload of information.
"And I'm so sorry that I was rude to earlier. I do understand why you can needed to ride. Clear your head. I get that. I'm sorry I was such a dick."
She runs her hand over his cheek.
"I know."
"We good?"
"We are so good" she laughs.
He smiles at her intently.
"What baby?" She asked him.
"I swear your laugh makes everything slow down. It makes me forget about all the shit for a minute."
She blushes, running her hands over his cheeks.
"The club wants me looking for leads on Abel."
"We should get on that then."
"You don't have to help."
"It's Abel. I have to."
They began to look. By three in the morning, they we're both jacked up on caffeine.
"Look. That's it! Juice!" Veronica pointed at the computer screen, in excitement.
"I have to get to the club. See you baby," he says, kissing her cheek and rushing off.
"Be safe!"
Veronica was spent, so she collapsed onto her bed. She turned up the volume on her phone and proceeded to take a little nap.

Veronica jolts awake from the sound of her phone. She quickly answers it.
"Things are going to get a whole lot worse before they get even remotely better," Juice says, frustrated.
"What happened?"
"The bastard got away with Abel. Jax is a mess and so is Tara."
"Maybe I'll stop by their place and bring Tara some coffee."
"Might be a good idea."
"I can't believe that guy would kidnap and baby. That's so sick."
"I know."
"Yeah, baby?"
"I don't think I ever told you how much I appreciate you wanting to get justice for me and I really fucking love you. And I'm so glad that you're you and all that sappy stuff."
He chuckles.
"I love you too, babylove. Let me know how Tara is holding up."
"I will."

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