To Thine Own Self

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Veronica never saw Juice at the clubhouse when she drove over and she didn't stay long because nobody seemed to have anything useful for her to do or anything to say to her at all. She waited up for Juice, but he never came home. She wondered if she found out anything else about Ricky. If he was okay, if he was safe from the club for now. She called him with the intention of leaving a voicemail but was still disappointed when he didn't answer his phone.

"V?" Juice called, drudging into the house, "Veronica, are you home?"
He walked into the bedroom and found her fast asleep in their bed.
He instantly felt bad for not having gotten back to her the day before. He never liked going MIA on her.
"Baby," he said into her ear, plopping down on top of her, "Veronica."
"Mmm?" She mumbled, flipping over onto her back.
"I talked to Ricky..." He said, sitting up and leaning against the headboard, sounding tired and spacey.
She followed his example, sitting up though she was still groggy from sleep.
"And?" She asked him, wanting to be in the loop and just wanting to make sure that Rick was okay.
"I think Jax is letting him buy back his way into the club quietly. Some sort of legal nonsense with Clay that Rick has to get his hands on. I hope Jax is true to his word," Juice said, sounding unsure about the plan.
"Has Jax said anything to you?" She wondered, eyeing him.
He glanced over to her, "nope, a few of glances my way but nothing yet."
"I feel lost here, Juice. What am we doing here?" She asked, "I want to be useful but right now I just feel so idle."
"We'll get out of here if things go south with Rick and they start asking me questions," he says, "I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?"
She says nothing. She wants to trust Juice, but she's petrified that the club will find out. He grabs her and pulls her into him, "okay?"
She nods this time, looking into his eyes. He brushes a strand of hair out of her face.
"I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you," he tells her, "I really couldn't."
He grabs her face and brings her lips to his, wanting to bring comfort between but comfort became urgent. Then urgent became a sexual interlude between the stressed lovers.

"Hey, keep your phone on. I'll let you know if I hear anything else from Rick," Juice instructs her as he slips back into his clothing.
"I always do," she tells him, wanting him to say with her but she knew she couldn't ask with all that was going on.
"See ya, baby," he says, coming around to her side of the bed and planting a kiss on her lips.
"Bye," she says, watching him go before crawling under the blankets and hoping to forget about the situation through sleep.

Veronica gets a phone call later that night from Juice.
"We're finally done with the cartel. We're free," he tells her.
"That's great. Anything else on Rick?" Veronica asks him.
"Jax took him, Bobby, and Tig to Clay's place. I hope it all works out. I'm hoping Rick will call me when it's done," he pauses, "I just want everything to be done."
"I hope he does too. Are you coming home?" Veronica asks him, missing him.
"Yeah, I'm picking up Chinese food then I'll be home."
"Okay, see you soon," She said and she normally would have been more excited about take our but things were still up in the air with Rick so her thoughts were elsewhere.
Veronica hung up the phone and walked back into her room. She threw on her pajamas

I haven't posted in so long, I apologize. School has been crazy busy and again, I'm sorry for the short chapter. I'll try to get back into writing it.

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