Turning and Turning

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The club had spent the night in the hospital waiting room.
Veronica was partially asleep, leaning on Juice's shoulder.
He was flipping through a magazine.
"Yo," Jax says.
Juice readjusts Veronica and gets up.
Veronica loosely gets up and stretches once he disappears with the club. She makes herself a cup of coffee.
Juice eventually appears a couple minutes later, looking a little tense.
"Did I wake you up, baby?"
"No, I was awake."
He plants a kiss on her cheek.
"I just want to get this kid home," Juice says, referring to Abel.
Veronica nods.
"Club and I are heading out to sell some stuff. I will see you later, my love."
"Okay," she says and he pecks her on the lips.
"Be careful!" She calls after him.

Two hours go by and Veronica stayed at the hospital to ensure that Gem was okay.
Juice appears with his hood up followed by Clay and Chibs.
This was unlike him so she knew something was up with him.
"What the hell happened to you?" Veronica stood up quickly, standing in front of him.
His face was bloody, he looked beat up, and he was stripped of his patch.
"Nothing," he shot back, not intending to be rude, but he came off defensive.
"I'll clean him up," Veronica tells the guys.
She gently guided him to a vacant hospital room.
She closed the door behind her as he sat on the bed.
"What happened?" She asked again, her tone insisting on an answer.
She grabbed alcohol swabs and bandages. He didn't reply, slipping off his hood so she could tend to his wounds.
She turned toward him, waiting.
"I was meeting with this guy known as the Chicken. We had drugs that he wanted. He's a nervous guy so I got in by myself and Mayans jumped me, stripped me of my cut," he said, sounding disappointed in himself.
Veronica starts cleaning him up.
"That could have happened to anyone," she said.
"It was me though."
Veronica ran her hand down his cheek.
"I can't possibly understand what you're feeling, but I don't believe for one minute that you are weak. To the contrary, I believe you are the strongest man I have ever had the chance to meet. But hey, I'm just your old lady," she shrugged, finishing up his face.
"Even when I feel at my worst, you some how brighten my day."
"I do my best."
She turns to toss the trash but Juice grabs her hand, forcing her to spin back toward him.
Their faces are inches apart, her body pressed against him between his legs.
His eyes stare deep into hers.
"Just kiss me already," she smiles.
His eyes are serious as he moves his lips against her.
They both finally closes their eyes. His hands rest on her butt which makes her lips smile against his again.
Her hands stay on his face
She pushes him carefully onto his back, not knowing the extent of his pain. He grabs her hands and coaxes her on top of him.
She straddles him.
She leans her face over his.
"I don't think we should be doing this in here, baby," she tells him, uncertain.
He sighs frustratedly.
"I would gladly make love to you at home," she smiles.
"Jax is going to have me on stuff as soon as I walk out of this room."
"I guess you will have to wait for tonight then," she pouts.
She pecks him and slides off.
"I can't leave right this second," he says.
She looks down at him and sees why.
"Fuck it."
She turns and locks the door before kneeling in front of him.

Veronica makes her way home and starts making Juice his favorite meal.
She wanted to make her last night with him special because he had a court hearing tomorrow that he would be missing and Juice did not want her aiding and a bedding.
He did not want her inside too.
She took her time, cleaning up the bedroom and cooking the food.
She also bought some new lingerie. She put it on and slipped a dress on over it.
He got home earlier than she expected. It had just struck six o'clock.
"Hi, baby," he called.
"Hi," she galloped out of the bedroom.
"Someone is excited that I'm home."
"Guess what I made you" she smiled.
"Your chili!" He said.
"How did you know?"
"I could smell it outside," he laughed.
He noticed she was wearing her ring, he kissed her.
"What are you wearing under your dress?" He asked intrigued.
"You will find out later," she smirked.
He ate dinner quickly. She, however, purposely took some time. She wanted him to really think about her.
"Meet me in the bedroom in five," she says, walking toward the master bath.
"Five minutes," she repeated herself.
She brushed her teeth, rubbed her hands in sweet pea lotion, and sprayed herself lightly in the same scent.
She walked out and he was already sitting on the bed, staring at the door, waiting for her.
She flipped on some music.
"Take this dress off of me," she purred, standing in front of him.
He stood, doing what he was told.
He saw the new lingerie and he thought his girl looked like a girl that should be in a magazine.
"Wow," he said.
"You look unbelievably alluring. I mean you always are, but damn."
She blushes.
"Are you blushing?"
"No," she rubbed her cheek.
"You are," he said, smirking.
She took charge then.

They lay entangled together on their bed.
"Fuck baby, I'm going to miss you."
She shooshes him.
"Why are you shooshing me?"
"I don't want to think about you leaving. I want to live for the right now. I just want to be with you."
He rubs her bareback.
"You are truly a wonderful woman."
"And you are truly a man," she jokes.
He gives her a look.
"A manly man"
His look doesn't change.
"A womanly man."
His look gets worse.
"A wonderful man that I could not imagine my life without. A man that gives me everything I need. A man who I cannot wait to marry."
"That's more like it!"
She kissed his neck.
"What's that for?"
She kissed his cheek.
He looks down at her.
She kissed his shoulder.
"What are you doing?" He chuckles.
"What I can't kiss you?" She says, running her hand down his chest.
"You can do whatever you want" he says.
"Oh yeah?" She asked.
"Yeah" he replies, running his hand down her side.
She rolls on top of him, her back to him.
"Now what are you doing?"
"What I want," she laughs.
"This is what you want?" He chuckles.
"You're what I want."
"That makes two of us, baby."

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