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"God please make this day a good one. Can I have loads of chocolates or even find a unicorn pooping rainbow? Ok I know I am exaggerating but don't I always? Forget it, thank you for all the things that you've given me till now and all that you have in store for me", I winked ending my prayer hoping that good things are in store and also hoping that God might have seen the wink. I'm crazy and I know it but it's better to try our luck right?

I got off the bed and made my way real quick to the bathroom since I was feeling like I was going to explode. My fault though. I should really stop drinking so much water but hey it's good for my beauty. I read it on the net. I went to turn the handle to open the door only to see that it was locked. I kept trying but in vain.

"Hey you genius out there, if the door is not opening it means that there is someone inside", Michael said from behind.

"Oops sorry damn my small brain I didn't know that", I muttered.

"Yeah thank him", I heard him reply.

"Huh? Who?"

"Thank God that at least you realized you got a small brain", he said and started to laugh like crazy.

"Oh shut it. Don't try to be over smart and get out", I wanted to pee. I didn't say the last part. I just thought it to myself.

I heard the door being unlocked and I was hurrying myself in the bathroom when Michael blocked the way. There he was standing half naked with his PJ pants hanging low, he crossed his arms. His veins started showing in his arms by this simple action. Why so hot? He kept staring at me and then I remembered that I had an important work to do. Damn this raging female hormones.

"Can I go inside if you've done with the staring now babe?", I asked with a wink and I swear it caught Michael off guard because just a small push on his arms and he was out of my way. This was so easy if we ignore the stinging sensation that I felt when I touched his arms.


While taking my shower, I remembered the towel incident that happened with Michael yesterday and started to blush. I went for my orange lace strappy dress and my tan strap sandals since I wanted to wear a dress today. I was on my way out of the room when I saw that there was some food kept on the table. Maybe he is nice...I thought. I had breakfast and left since my class would start in twenty minutes. I was going towards the class when I saw...Jacob. What was he doing here? He was standing with two girls but with their back showing to me. Were that Sophia and Emma?

I confirmed my thoughts when Sophia turned around and I looked for a place to hide myself which was behind Ethan since I needed some time to understand what was happening.

"Alyssa, what are you doing?", Ethan looked at me and asked.

"Wait", I turned him back and waited for my cousins to go to come out.

Once they were out of sight, I came out from behind Ethan.

"You want to explain what was happening now sunshine?", Michael asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to say thanks for the breakfast", I told him instead since I was feeling so lost myself. I need to meet them to make everything clear.

Michael and the others looked confused but I just rushed to the maths class without giving any further explanation.

Hi everyone...I know this is really short and am veryyy sorry for that but I didn't have much time since my school resumes on monday and blah blah blah hahahaha...even i am not much satisfied with this chap but i'll try much harder for the next one which i guess will be after my exams now...i know i know i kept saying that i'll continue after my exams but even then i updated but there's a reason behind that hahahahahaha first of all a big shout out to my friend who is celebrating her 18th birthday today HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHALINI *kisses*
and secondly as requested by my internet buddies/sisters/fam..this is my birthday treat for them hahahahaha..this is the least that i can do for these amazing people lovvvveeee you guys soooo much and also everyone who is reading this a big thanks for your support and lovvveeee you alll tooooo *hugs and kisses*also i was inspired to write a part of this chap bec of someone sooo if you can see this thanks for being a bit dumb i guess hahahahaha...and lastly thanks for your time for reading this and am sorry for my rambling but i just needed to say that
have a good night/day

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