fucked up rights are copyrighted?

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Tears sprung to my eyes in hurt but mostly in anger as I try to hide the whole of my body in my pillows. To think that staying here only for a few days would not be that hard was an understatement. I rub my throbbing cheeks in an attempt of wiping my tears but fresh ones just kept making its way taking over all of the efforts. I curled myself further into the bed, on impulse, as a sound was heard when I figured out that it was only my phone.


The name kept flashing on the screen making my head hurt because of the light that was now present in the dark room. I was having an internal debate as to whether I should pick up the phone or not. I didn't want Michael to find out that I was crying as he would have surely noticed it with my raspy voice and stuffed nose. Seeing that I wanted to talk to someone who actually cares, I finally decided to forget about all the consequences and picked up the phone.

"H-hello" my voice started to betray me at the start itself.

"Alyssa...is that you?"

"Of course...who else would it be? Have you already forgotten your girlfriend?"

"No but what's wrong with you? Are you fine? You sound different. Have you been crying?" He got rid of my attempt of making a joke of it all like I always do and asked instead.

I wasn't used to telling anyone when something was up, especially when it involved my fake family and the way they would treat me. It's not because I was scared of judgment or that I would lose people who matters because of my fucked up life but the only reason was because I didn't have anyone to tell.

My family had made sure that no one ever found interest in me and the only person who sort of had become mine turned out to be worse than a traitor. As far as Mia is concerned, I know she was the closest friend I had at that time but we were not that close enough to go much in details telling her about my relationship with my family as she already had lots to think about and problems to manage with her sick mom, work and her studies. Besides, I wasn't one who was comfortable enough to talk about my difficulties.

"Obviously I am fine. Why would you think otherwise? Anyway forget about me and tell me how's the holidays of you guys are going?" I tried diverting the attention from me and completely ignored the last part when he asked me whether I have been crying.

As much as my mind will keep thinking about all the fights that have already happened ever since I came, I'll keep feeling like crying and I'm sure Michael would definitely catch me on that. It was always like this with me. No matter how strong I may try to be, at the end of the day, the presence of a loved one and who shows concern has the ability of making me let my guards down seeing right through me.

Michael just hummed making my curiosity grow with his lack of response. I wanted to know what was going on in his mind as he wasn't giving attention to what I was saying and almost not replying in general. It's only after asking for several times that he started telling me how it was going for them.

As he kept proceeding at how they are doing without any enthusiasm, I felt like my aim of forgetting everything was just going in vain and my mind wandered back to what had happened that evening.

"Look who we finally have here" My aunt said as she entered the house late at night after dinner. Who knows where she was. I might as well start calling her the names that she usually calls me. It's not necessary that she has been to the place that she has informed she was going to. Besides, there was nothing known as trust between me and them so it might as well be two-sided. It won't hurt to act like one when you're already called a bitch.

"Isn't it a great surprise AUNT?" I went forward kissing her on both sides of her cheeks making the flash of surprise on her face not go unnoticed.

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