No holding back

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I've dedicated this chapter to my lovely cousin @booksunderthesky for supporting me and motivating me.

My happiness of having the upper hand didn't last long as I was yanked back as soon as I was about to leave from the dining room making me collide with the table. I winced internally in pain as my side hit the corner of the table but I didn't let anyone have the satisfaction of seeing me in pain. As always they had to reside to violence to have their say but I wasn't going to look weak this time. I sure as hell could bear it no matter how much painful it might be. Physical pain is not permanent. It would definitely subside after a while.

I straightened myself and glanced at Dylan who was looking a bit intimidating. I never saw this form of his. He might have used violence before but this time it was completely different. He looked pained? I thought. But, who was I kidding? How could someone so heartless be paining? I'm sure he was enjoying himself as much as my stupid family does when they used to inflict pain upon me.

"Ally, I didn't mean to." He surprised me by calling the old nickname that he used to use. But what did he mean by he didn't mean to? Was he regretting it? I just laughed it off when I realized that he was probably just misleading me but I wasn't going to fall in any trap of theirs. It's way too late now. Nothing would ever make me believe any of them.

He reached his hand forward stroking my cheek when I slapped it off. The mere touch of the fuckface made me feel like puking.

"Keep your hands off me you sick bastard" I said only to be welcomed by a furious slap as soon as the words left my mouth making me lose my balance and my head crash against the table once again. I can't believe that some people don't change, not even a bit. To expect that Dylan would have changed is definitely a sign of madness. In fact he just raised to another level of his low acts. He was a total jerk to me but he had never raised his hands on me if we ignore the fact is he used to force me in sexual ways. This time, he has added one more reason as to why I can't ever even stand near him in his list.

Slowly, I raised my head feeling a liquid gushing down my face. I shuddered in fear as I saw the red liquid stain the tips of my fingers when I touched my forehead.

"This doesn't scare me" I said pointing to my injured forehead pretending that I wasn't scared. The last thing for them to know was that they still had of power of scaring me by being violent.

"I thought that atleast you were better than this but you showed that you can stoop lower. I wish you would have a tad bit of intelligence Dylan but unfortunately you can only show how much of a lowly person you are. I pity you Dylan. I really do"

"Then why don't you give me another chance Ally. You know I love you and I also know that you do too then why don't you give us a chance?"

"I don't care whether you love me or not now Dylan. I had given 'us' a chance but the efforts were only one sided. You can't claim to be loving me when you and I both know better than this. And for your bloody information I don't love you. I despise you and won't ever make another mistake of loving an asshole like you which will make me lose everything which means that you are not worth anything so why don't you just fuck off cause I'm not falling for your words."

The way that Dylan was looking at me was so dangerous. I couldn't understand what he was thinking about when next thing I know I was shoved roughly against the wall knocking the air out of my lungs in the process as he slapped my other cheek. He grabbed my hair inching my face towards him.

"Do not back talk. When I'm saying that I love you then I do. Can't you understand this simple thing?" He said and launched me back towards the wall making me crumble to the floor as a sob left my mouth. The pain in my sides suddenly became too much to bear as my already injured side had hit the wall a bit too roughly.

"Well your love is very different then but unfortunately Dylan I'm not strong enough to do this kind of loving." I said between sobs.

"Listen to me baby. I may not have loved you before but now I do. You have to agree that you have changed. You look beautiful so why can't I fall for you now? But, if you are still not agreeing with me Ally we'll do it another way. You'll leave me no choice but I'll go to any extent to make you mine again." He crouched down beside me and said while stroking me cheek making it burn because of the friction.

"What happens if I die Ashley?" I looked up towards my aunt who was standing beside Jacob watching the whole scene.

"What happens to what?"

"To the property obviously. Do I have something else or someone else to ask about?" My aunt gulped visibly as I asked this. I'm sure that I might have asked something which was going to be in my favor and I couldn't feel more happy despite the fact that I was currently bruised at several places. Dylan's eyes left me for a while and focused on my aunt waiting for her to answer too.

"Do you become the sole owner of everything if ever something happens to me?" I asked again as she seemed quite hesitant at replying my question.

"N-no. The 25% stays mine but the 75% goes to the orphanage that your loser of a grandfather owns."

"Looks like my loser of a grandfather has got you under his control then. Hats off to the loser though for being able to control you when he's not even here."

To be honest, I was pretty relieved to know that my grandfather had taken a decision like this. He wasn't a loser and is actually the best someone could ever ask for. Now that I know about his will I don't have anything to worry about since it's all in my hands. They won't be able to do anything to me which will make me decide against signing the documents which I won't in any case and if they do something to me also they are going to lose the money anyway. As much as I know my aunt she'll choose the former cause she'd rather let it be with me and plan something rather than having it gone forever. And, as far as Dylan is concerned his claim for loving me is invalid and there's no way in hell for me to leave Michael and go with this scumbag.

Now that the ball is in my court, thinking about Michael gave me an idea. I got up from the floor slowly and started walking towards my room grabbing the furniture in the way as I was limping. Once in my room, I packed my things that I had brought back with me. I might as well spend these few days in an apartment or something instead of here seeing that there's nothing holding me back now. Going towards the bedside table to take my phone I saw that I had 24 missed calls and it was all from Michael. I quickly called him back and waited for him to answer.

"Where were you?" He asked as soon as he picked up.

"Well hello to you too Mi amor" I tried not to let out any more than I had already the last night.

"Don't Mi amor me. Which one is your house?"

"What? Are you stalking me?"

"I'm not kidding Alyssa.I'm here to fetch you so just tell me unless you want me to get inside all the houses to look for you."

"Where exactly are you right now?" I asked giving up. I didn't have any more energy to fight and this was going to be pointless according to me. If he has already come here without telling me anything then nothing is going to stop him from finding my house also.

"Near a children park"

"My house is the fifth one on the right down the road." I directed as there was only one children park at my place.

"I'll be there. Grab your things cause you are not living there anymore and don't worry about your aunt I'll handle her."

"No you don't have to do anything. Everything is fine. I'm pretty sure she won't stop me from going" Great, as if the problems I had were not enough I went ahead and pissed another person off. I thought as Michael hanged up without even caring to tell me that he was. Michael thinks that I have made myself become a punching bag letting my family do whatever they want to but little does he know that saying everything that they do isn't that easy. Everything should be done at a right time cause you never know when it may backfire and you find yourself more caught than you were at first.

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Rukh xoxo

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