He sure as hell is an attractive piece of testosterone

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Once I was done working I said goodbye to grandpa and made my way outside. I can say that I had made a good impression. Working was not something new to me. I was already used to it but still I was a bit nervous how it was going to be but now that it's done I can at least not worry about money for a while. I am sure this is going to support me and we had a fair number of customers also today. I know there's still a long way to go and only working in an ice-cream parlor is not going to make it but everything starts from a start, doesn't it? I know I can make it.

You are always saying that you dummy. The subconscious butted in once again.

Shut up you're not any less stupid you do know that even if we are one. Like the crazy person that I am I smirked at my own inner talent that keeps trying to scare me. Just when I am one step closer to being two steps far from ...I always cut in?

"Is that how you always walk on the road hot stuff?"

It's only after hearing someone talk that I registered that I had zoned out while walking. But was that question directed at me? And....hot stuff...Oh my freaking goat is that Dylan? I swear if he is going to keep sticking his ass around me I'll kick him so much that it will pain more than a girl bleeding from her vagina but for now I just increased my pace to get away from him.

I kept walking faster without even glancing back when I felt like the person also was taking longer strides. I started shouting out my lungs when I felt a hand on my shoulder and soon I was pulled back colliding with the person's chest by my waist and one hand blocking my mouth to avoid any noise from escaping. All that was coming out was muffled shouts. I tried to kick the person but all was in vain.

"Stop it. What's wrong with you?" with that said he removed his hand from my mouth but was still holding me back against chest.


"Yes Michael"

"What's wrong with YOU? You know how scared I got?"

"Oh so you do get scare also but don't worry no one will even dare to come near you"

"And why's that?"

"Is that even a question? What will they get from you? Except your poor attempt of kicking but one thing for sure they may not hear again in the future."

"I take offence to that."

"You do? But I don't care." I could feel him chuckle because of the way my back was pressed to him.

"Hmm..What's with the nicknames? And why hot stuff?"

"Because of how irresistible you were a while ago" came his response.

Did he really have to mention that? And like the imbecile that I was I thought that he would forget that but I forgot about how he can use this to his advantage. After he said that I didn't reply. It's not like I had anything to say also. The tension was thick and charged with electrifying energy. There was no way I was going to break the silence of this awkward situation. Seeing that he was not going to say a word I sighed and decided to make a move.



"I don't think I'm really a fan of PDAs. Will you let go now?"

It felt surprisingly odd when he let go because of the loss of contact. I have to admit that it felt much better earlier than right now but I wasn't going to tell him that. We don't want to give the idiot a higher ego than he already has now, do we?

"So what were you still doing here?" I asked trying to make a small talk while walking.

"I j-just ha-had some work", he stuttered.

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