Games are to be played

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I was standing on the front lawn looking at the white house that has never been anything to me except creating a dark history for me. Despite the people living here is my family, this house never became mine. It was never home and now that I was moving towards my freedom I am being forced to take steps back.

Ethan had already gone 10 minutes earlier after I had convinced him for about 15 minutes that I will be fine. I didn't want my aunt to see him. I know that she wouldn't be anything but rude to him. After a whole lot of thinking and realizing that I am standing in the place from where I had once thought that I was leaving for a new beginning, I walked towards the door and rang the bell. I shifted from one foot to the other, nervosity taking the best of me. I let out a long sigh and wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans before pressing on the bell again since they were not opening the door.

Let them not be here...let them not be here. I could always go back to my friends. I thought even though it was stupid of me to think like this. But, if I go away also I can't say that I went away because they were not opening the door. It's not a reasonable reason.

Maybe they were not here. I turned around and was about to sit on the lawn in the corner against the wall when the door opened.

"Oh it's you...welcome back home Alyssa" my worst nightmare welcomed me. Why can he never leave me alone? But the most appropriate question would be what the hell is he doing here? Doesn't he have a house? Maybe, he just can't leave without annoying people. It's weird how people have different preferences in making their life spicy.

"Fuck off this is my house and you're not welcomed here Dylan" I made my way inside the house pushing him to the side. I know I don't consider this square thing which has a roof as my house but technically my father also had a right on it so nothing prevent me from saying that it's also mine and I have whatever shitty rights that I want to have. My life isn't a game which someone can control using a freaking joystick. I was going towards the stairs since my room was upstairs when I got an idea. I might as well annoy Dylan if that's what he loves doing. No one said that it should be played by only player. We can also have much more fun having two players and creating a competitive atmosphere.

"Hey Dylan do you have a joystick?" I asked him as my evil and dirty mind took over my good girl attitude. And, I do have a good girl attitude if you don't get on every single nerve of mine.

"What do you mean?" He replied with another question instead looking like he got a hint of what I was pointing towards by saying joystick. Either he was a smart guy or it was just common sense for perverted people. But, trust me he was none of the both reason I've stated because he's far from smart and common sense doesn't even exist in his dictionary.

"Nothing...I think you just pissed your pants"

"Come I'll show you your answer" He said getting off the couch quickly and dashed towards me. I took my bag and ran towards my room as far as I could which wasn't easy at all since running wasn't my thing and going up the stairs with a bag which isn't that light didn't help it at all. I closed the door and locked it as soon as I got in my room blocking Dylan outside itself.

"Alyssa you'll pay me for this" Dylan threatened from outside.

"Cool I work anyway" I told him and went to unpack my things. Dylan also went away from my room after punching my door. Stupid people don't have enough common sense because this punch was very pointless. I wanted to tell him that but opening the door right now was very life risking.


Dylan's pov

"Hey Dylan do you have a joystick?" I heard Alyssa ask as I made my way to the couch going back to the movie I was watching.

I was going to stay here during the holidays. And, since Jacob went grocery shopping with his mom and the girls were having a sleepover at some friend of theirs I was watching a movie for time passing when I heard the ring bells. I thought that it would be Jordan and didn't go open the door because he can use his keys. I didn't want to get off the couch. Aunt Ashley was going to drop by at some relatives of hers on the way back. The bell rang again and then I realized that it was probably Alyssa.

When I had first come here I had seen that Alyssa wasn't going to spend her holidays here and was with Michael instead. Dumb people were being happy about that. Little did they know that giving her to much freedom to do whatever she wants is just making her more strong and bitchy to deal with. She's becoming so tough to communicate with. She has changed so massively over such short time. Not only has she become difficult to be talked to but she has also changed drastically in physical appearance that it gets hard to be dealt with. There was one time when I rejected her but now I just want her and I get what I want so I made Aunt Ashley call her back here.

"What do you mean?" I asked seeing that I couldn't believe that she was making fun of me when before she couldn't even talk back to me. This new form of her was so hot and is such a turn on but she plays so hard to get.

"Nothing...I think you just pissed your pants" She answered irritatingly.

"Come I'll show you your answer" I said getting off the couch quickly and dashed towards her. I might as well show her if she wants an answer to her question. It won't cost me anything anyway. In fact, it'll just make my work easier. I went after her thinking that I was fast enough to catch her but unfortunately her room came in view and she got inside locking the door. Atleast I think that it was her room since it was the only room that was unoccupied in the house and besides I don't think she would dare entering someone else's room since they despise her with each and every nerve of theirs which they probably won't appreciate. And, knowing Alyssa she wouldn't fancy getting on the bad sides of her family more than she already is. But, do I really know her now? Or better did I ever know her? Atleast I never thought I would have witnessed what I am right now.

"Alyssa you'll pay me for this" I threatened trying to scare her but her only reaction was sarcasm.

"Cool I work anyway" I could feel my blood boiling at her reaction and went away after punching her door. I needed to let out my frustration. She was going over all the limits now but I am not going to make this easier for her also. I don't accept defeat and she has messed with the wrong person. I bet she'll realize this very soon but it'll be late for her then. But, being the nice person that I am I'll make sure to give her a chance to rectify her mistakes. And, very soon she'll become the Alyssa who only answers again and not the one who has the audacity to question.

I wrote part of the chapter in Dylan's pov because I didn't know what else to write ahaha and I couldn't end the chapter also else it would have been too short sorry bout that but did you like having the pov of Dylan??

Did you miss having Michael, Ethan and the others in the chap?? I did :(

Anyway, do vote and comment if you've liked it!!!

Rukh xoxo

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