chapter 16

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You ever had that awkward moment that is how I am feeling at the moment. Stuck in a room full of weirdos, my life sucks.

Why can't my life be simple for once I just want this stupid conference to finish so that wouldn't see that idiot again.

He'll probably bring his wh*re with him as his luna. I wonder who he is fooling with that act.

Oh well the conference is only in a few days from now. Let me not say few, it is appoximately three days from now. Not counting any delays and what not. The time flies doesn't it.

It was just two weeks now it narrows down to three days. In just three days, I will see my dad, my brother and unfortunately my ex.

Luckily the good out weigh the bad. Yippee!


Well in just a few hours my old pack will be landing and joining the others who are already here. Sigh, all this pack stuff is giving me a headache. I just want to cuddle up with my mate in bed for the rest of the day.

Sadly we have responsibilities to the pack to take on first. Like they say: family is important and pack is family.


I hate my life. Why must I go through with this torture of hosting the pack where my ex mate is alpha of. And to make it worse his room is two doors down from mine.

I can literally hear the bed banging against the wall and the room suppose to be sound proof. Disgusting, I can't believe I was with that guy.

It making me sick thinking about it. Think of a happy place, you have until tomorrow. The conference will officially start tomorrow.

I need my earmuffs, it is going to be a long night.


This was more of a filler chapter. The next chapter is going to be the conference. Who is ready for drama?

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