chapter 14

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Time for final part. Hope you enjoy. 


Emma Pov

Juliet is really crazy to think up an idea like this. But that who she is and I love her for that. I was so happy when she and Joshua mated; she was really broken when she got here. All because of that mate of hers and to think that he has to come here for a conference. Well back to the war, I can’t wait for the outcome.

Juliet Pov

To admit, I’m bored again. I should have joined them when they started. It would have been fun to kill some people. Well not actually kill but you know what I mean. It’s a game of laser tag.

I hope Joshy doesn’t get hurt.

Here we go again. She’s acting like the time that we found out that Josh was in a coma.

Really Teresa? There is nothing to worry about. He’s going to be fine. He has Chris to protect him.

Juliet, someone has been knocked out. Well persons now. There acting like if this is a real war.

Better, have been one. So how many soldiers did we lost.

Twenty, Your Highness.

That only leaves two thousand, nine hundred and eighty out of the thirty thousand we began with.

You’re telling me that seven thousand pack member including ourselves didn’t take part. 


Well the game is still alive then.

But Your Highness.

Don’t worry about it they’ll be fine. It’s not like they’re really getting kill out there. And enough with Your Highness, its Juliet.


The numbers are decreasing fast and like three-quarter of snickers are found. The war is coming to an end.

Josh Pov

Chris and I are half-way through this war and are never backing down. We’re in it to win.

Chris Pov

Emma my love, this is for you.

Juliet Pov

The war is coming to an end with only five warriors remaining. With three-quarter of the snickers already found by our warriors.

I’ll say it’s nearly time to wrap and start the feast. And maybe just maybe get some mating in with Josh. What? I’m sure Emma and the girls will be getting some tonight as well.


Well the war is over and I’m happy to say, JOSHY WON. So yeah Joshua came first, Chris came second and others are my ladies’ mates and were ranked according to what their mates position were as my ladies.  I’m beginning to think that they plan this whole thing out. I don’t really care because Josh is my knight in shining armor and will always be.

Now it’s time to party, Emma’s style.


Well the marathon has come to an end.  I hope you liked the last four hours.

Ok so the comments, votes and reads are not working. So let's try this out. 

I saw this in a book I read, ever heard of 'The Highlander's Touch' well it's awesome. At the end of each chapter there is EUG or early update goal if you can reach it you get an early update making me work faster at the demand.  I'll still appreciate the comments tho. 

So here it is: EUG~ 250 votes please note this is the  no of total votes on the book.

Current votes~ 208

Also I want to hear some ideas you have for the upcoming chappies. 


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