chapter 11

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Heads up to those who are about to read this chap that things are about to get heated. So I can advise you to skip the chapter if you want but you miss out a lot. Take it from me.


Josh’s Pov

Dude when are we going to mate our mate?

Chillax, will you. When she is ready then we can satisfy that dirty mind of yours.

Mine not the only one that is corrupted.

Well stop send those pictures of me and Juliet mating.

I can just hear her moaning at this particular moment.

My wolf, the one who has been bugging me for the pass freaking weeks about mating her, he is not the only one who wants to mate her. When she is ready then we can mate.

Josh can you come to the training room please.


So we can have some alone time.

Alone time? In a training room? Are you okay Juliet?

Just come alright.


And she cuts me off. Great, just great.

Juliet’s Pov

I called Joshua to the training room for a reason and it has nothing to do with us having some alone time. To Teresa disappointment, she really want to have some alone with him and his wolf. You know when people say the expression ‘horn dogs’, I don’t think they were thinking clearly because that is the way Teresa acting. A horny wolf!

I’m not a horny wolf!!

You sure about that?


You sure, you’re acting like the time we were having the conversation we were having…

You mean the conversation before Emma came. The one you were denying the feeling that Joshua was giving us. The one that was so intense than the time he marked us as his.

No not that time.

I can let you remember but it has to deal with less clothes and a lot of moaning.

What are you trying to do? Let me go into heat.

No. sadly we surpass the time to go through heat because of him. We were rejected, ran away and then marked by our second mate. We can’t go through heat. It’s disappointing we can’t go mate with Joshy as other mates do. But we will eventually mate.

You should be happy about that.


Ouch, sorry but I heard that heat is very painful.

That’s true but your mate will be there to ease the pain. Imagine josh’s hands roaming our body.

Teresa, stop putting those images in my head.

Don't tell me you don't want that to happen?

Sure. Sorry to ask but what about Adrian's hands on us?

Why would I want that JACKASS's hands on me?

Maybe because he was our mate.

Key word WAS. No not that, HE WAS NEVER OUR MATE.

Rejected by My Idiotic MateWhere stories live. Discover now