chapter 13

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It's a bit short and the one after this and I was aiming for humour so hope you find it funny.


Juliet Pov

'You guys I'm bored. What we have here to do is boring? The game room is boring, I've played every known game in there and I'm not in the mood to swim in the pool.'

'Stop you’re whining won't you.'

'You guys, what do we have there to eat?'

'Well there is a snicker bar in the fridge.'

'A snicker bar, you say. That just gave me an idea. You guys go to every store and buy out all snicker bars there. Get as many as you can.'


'We are going to have a war. Don't worry I'll explain later. Just go.'

'Yes ma'am.'


'Wow, you guys buy out the whole town.'

'You did tell us to get as many as we can.’

'So why we need so many now?'

'And what about this war?'

'Well we are going to have a laser tag war. The prize is a life time supply of snicker bars. And this was my idea so I'll be the queen while Emma and the others will be my ladies. I'll tell you the rest when the games begin. All I want you to do now is to gather as many people you can to participate in the war. While me and the others prepare for it and it starts in two days. So get going.'

'You know you’re crazy right.'

'Come on guys, it is not a bad idea.'

'He's right. We can't let our queen down.'

After the boys left I told the girls the rest of my plans. I also told them they can’t tell anyone who is participating in the war where the clues are or they will be punished.


Finally it was the day of the war. My throne is ready; the clues are well in hidden. They can only get the clues when they are eating the snicker, it’s like a fortune cookie but will a chocolate bar.

Well my friends and I were sitting on the thrones made out of snicker bars. Yeah we’re crazy but how can you have a snicker queen without a snicker throne. Anyway back to the war. In front of us are very brave men and women willing to be in this crazy idea of mine.

Well here we go.

‘Thank you all for coming to the first ever Snicker War. I know your all wondering what the Snicker war is. Well it is war of laser tag. The last man standing will be the winner also will be the queen’s lady or knight in shining armor. The runner ups will be the ladies escorts for a month. Also all of you will be given a clue leading to the other clues that will lead you to your prize. If you’re able to reach the prize first that means you are the only one standing. Oh yes and if any of the ladies told you where the clues are you will be punish. The punishment is that you will be stoned with snicker wrappers. So speak now and you will be forgiven. No one, ok then, will Lady Emma please give them their clues.’

‘Yes my lady. Good look men and women. May the best person win?’

‘Let the games begin.’

Joshua Pov

Watching my mate take charge made my wolf and I proud. She is creative, funny, smart, and beautiful, all the things Belle wasn’t.

And that’s why I’m going to win this war for her, to be her knight in shining armor. She had been my queen since I marked her and fully mine when I mated with her last week.

‘Hey Josh, snap out of it. We’re in war here,’ Chris shouted at me.

I chuckled. Chris and I decided to team up. If I win I give him the supply while I be Juliet’s knight but if he wins he keep the supply, while he gives me the position of Juliet’s knight since he wants to be Emma’s escort if he comes second after me of course but it doesn’t matter.

We are going to win this for our mates.

For victory!

For our mates!

Let’s show these girls who wear the pants in the relationship.

Is that really necessary?

Too much?

You think?

Forget about it. Let’s go win this war!


Hope you love it, just one more chapter to go.


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