chapter 7

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So the winner is YAromanceroo. She was the first one to submit a guess to what will happen in this chapter. She said they will be together, well she's close enough. You will find out what they are at the end of the chapter. Also read the author's note at the end as well. 

Well the runner ups are Aristocraticjuvenile and ninetails309.

The cover on the side was made by my wonderful friend Whitney aka classyR.

I tried to make the chapter longer. I hope it is and I'll try to make the next chapter have four pages. So Enjoy!


Adrian Pov

It has been three months since I last saw Juliet. I’ve been a fool, I shouldn’t have rejected her. And now my dad is reminding me that I need to find my mate to be Alpha. What kind of rule that is, I don’t know. My dad said the first werewolves created that rule and all packs follow that tradition.

I was having a meltdown when Lily, one of the pack sluts, entered my room. When an idea pop into my head, dad said that I need to find my mate to be alpha but he didn’t say it has to be my real mate. I’m a genius.

‘Lily, come here for a sec.’

‘Yes alpha.’

‘Don’t call me alpha babe.’

She nodded and looked down.

‘Look at me,’ making sure I looked her in the eye. I asked, ‘Do you want to be Luna?’

‘Really Adrian?’

‘Yes, you’re my mate.’

‘Ek, we have to tell the pack.’

‘Calm down babe.’

‘Calm down, don’t tell me to calm down. I’m your freaking mate!’

I chuckled and pulled her towards me making sure there is no place between us and kiss her deeply.

Juliet Pov

 For three months, the pain was still there. I think it is getting worse but I know Adrian is feeling more pain than me. Well he was the one who did the rejecting.

Joshua has been there for me, it’s like he knows what I’m feeling. He was always there for me. He always told me that he had been there; that he felt the same pain I’m feeling. That is when he told me that his mate rejected him. Her name was Belle, she was an average slut.

She told him she didn’t want to be tied down to one man, so that’s why she rejected him. Josh was depressed after that, when Chris saw his friend like this. He banished her from the pack. That was the last time they saw her.

He told me that he’s happy to have me. I told him the same thing. We were like each other replacement mate. We both had the qualities each other wanted in a mate. What I didn’t get from Adrian and what he didn’t get from Belle. We were in love kind of and promised we will always love each other.

Josh Pov

I watched for months to see Juliet in pain from the rejection. It pains me to see her like this. The only thing I want her to feel is love and pleasure and that’s all she is going to feel from now on.

And I’m the one that is going to make her feel that way if it’s the last thing I do. But I have to tell her real reason why I want her; the fact why I was rejected. I was a decent guy, I never slept around. I want to wait for my mate like Chris. But she had other plans. Sigh, I can still remember that day.

Rejected by My Idiotic MateWhere stories live. Discover now