Shopping for the Ring

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**Niall's P.O.V.**

I take a deep breath before I open the door and walk into the jewelry store. I am looking for the perfect ring for Y/N. I picked this store because I have heard Y/N talking about how pretty their jewelry is. Her best friend works there so she stops by the store to see her friend all the time. And of course she has looked at the jewelry a few times. Since this is the store she is always talking about, what better place to pick out the perfect ring?

Her and I have been together for a couple years and I think we're ready to take the next step in our relationship. I hope she feels the same way. We are perfect together. She can put a smile on my face on my worst days. She makes me a better man, and I will do anything for her. She is perfect and I want to make her mine.

I am with Greg and Liam. I knew I couldn't do this on my own. Greg has always been there for me growing up, and he has been through this himself when he picked out the ring for Denise. He knew how I felt right now, and how scary it is. There are so many rings to pick from. The pressure is crazy! You feel like if you don't pick the perfect ring then she won't say yes.

I brought Liam with because he is one of my best mates. He is always there when I need him. Plus him and Y/N are pretty close. Other than me, she is closest to Liam in the band. He is like a big brother to her. He knows her really well, and I think he will help with knowing what kind of ring she would like.

One of the ladies working in the store looks up and smiles at us as her eyes widen. She probably recognizes me. Hopefully she can keep the secret that I was in until after the proposal. I want it to be a complete surprise to Y/N. We had managed to get in without being noticed and the store windows were tinted enough that fans and paparazzi couldn't see in from the street.

"Hello! How can I help you guys today?" The woman asks with a smile.

"Um...I want to look at some rings." I say nervously rubbing my palms together.

"Great! What kind of rings are we looking for? Promise rings? Engagement rings?"

"Engagement." I say nervously taking a deep breath.

"Perfect! Our engagement rings are right over here." She says leading us to the far area of the store. I scan the display and am caught off guard. There are so many different types and they are all so sparkly. How on earth am I ever going to find the one that Y/N will love?

"Do you have any idea of what style you are looking for?" The woman asks.

I stop and think for a minute. Y/N and I have never really talked about engagement rings. But I do remember her and her sister talking a few weeks ago. Her sister just got engaged and Y/N was looking at the ring. She told her sister it was beautiful but it was a little "blingy" for her taste. Y/N said she liked something more simple. She didn't like rings that were big and flashy.

"Um, I want something more simple. I know she doesn't like rings that are super big and flashy." I say nervously.

"Okay. Is there a budget you would like to stay in?" She asked.

"No, not really." I say after thinking for a moment. I couldn't put a price on the perfect ring. I would spend a million dollars on one if it made her happy.

"Niall?" A familiar voice says.

I look up and Anna, Y/N's best friend smiles and comes over to the display case. I am so happy to see that she is working today. I am relieved to see a familiar face, especially Y/N's best friend. She probably knows what kind of ring Y/N would like.

"Hey Anna," I say smiling at her.

"So what are you guys in here doing?" She asks looking from me to Liam. Although I'm almost positive she already knew the answer.

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