First Argument & Midnight Walk Together

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It had been almost two weeks since the first concert and three weeks since the proposal I was feeling so alone. We hadn't even talked about the wedding yet. I had looked at some pictures to get some ideas, but I wanted Niall to be a part of the planning too.

Ever since the tour started it was crazy for Niall. He woke up early in the morning and got back to the hotel late at night. A lot of the things they did were business related, so I couldn't tag along. I loved getting to spend my nights wrapped in Niall's arms, but it would be nice to see my future husband while we're awake too.

I was in the hotel room with Niall before the show in Edmonton. I needed to talk to Niall about how I was feeling. I wasn't going to spend this whole tour alone in hotel rooms and on the bus. If this is how it was going to be I was going to go home and be with my family and friends.

"Niall, do you think we could maybe hang out after the show?" I asked.

"Y/N, I can't. Me and the guys are going out. It's our first night off in a long time. We want to have a guys' night with Josh and the guys." He said.

"I know it's your first night off in a while, and that's why I was hoping you could spend it with me. You've hardly spent any time with me." I said.

He turned to look at me. His face dropped from the happy expression to a serious one.

"Y/N, you knew that my schedule would be crazy when I went on tour." He said.

"I did know that, but I didn't know that my fiancé wouldn't have any time for me at all. The only time we are together is at night when we're sleeping, and half the time you don't even come to bed til four in the morning so I only get to spend time with you for a couple hours before I wake up." I said.

"Y/N, please don't do this." He said.

"Fine. I'll drop it. Sorry for trying to talk to you about something that has been bothering me. I thought I could talk to my fiancé about this." I said getting upset.

"Y/N," Niall said softly, seeing that I was getting upset. His tone and demeanor were no longer agitated but it was too late. I was already upset.

"Just forget it Ni. Just go out with the guys." I said getting up off the bed and going to the bathroom. I shut the door and turned the lock so that I could be by myself for a little bit.

"Y/N...princess, please let me in." He said wiggling the door knob.

"Just leave me alone." I said.

"I can't when I know you're upset! Can we talk about this?" He asked.

"There's nothing to talk about." I said.

"Of course there is princess." He said.

I heard a loud knock on the hotel room door, which was near the bathroom door.

"Niall! Y/N! We have to head out!" I heard the tour manager say.

"Y/N, will you please come out?" He asked.

I didn't want to talk to Niall, but I knew that we needed to go to the arena. I promised Niall I would be at every show to support him. Even though I was upset with him, I wasn't going to break my promise.

I wiped the tears from my face and touched my make-up up quickly. I opened the door and walked straight past Niall to pull my shoes on. Once I had them on I grabbed my purse and headed to the door.

"Y/N can we talk about this?" Niall asked.

"We need to go Niall." I said while opening the door, ignoring his question.

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