Bouquet & Garter Toss

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"Where are all of my single ladies at?" The DJ said over the microphone. "Can I have all of the beautiful single ladies on the dance floor with the bride?"

The DJ then started to play "Single Ladies" by Beyonce as the single women at the wedding made their way to the dance floor.

You grabbed the bouquet from its vase on the sweetheart table and made your way onto the dance floor. Waiting for you was a group of about 20 girls. You saw Anna, some of your friends from school, along with a few of your cousins. You also saw Harry's sister, Gemma, and three of Louis' sisters on the dance floor.

"You ready?" You asked the girls before turning around to look at them. They all smiled and told you they were ready.

You gripped the base of the bouquet carefully in your hands. You took a deep breath and then pulled the string that held the stems together. You then threw them up and over your head and turned around quickly to see the single roses falling through the air. You smiled as you saw all of the girls catch a rose.

You hated going to weddings and seeing girls fight over the bouquet. It always turned something that was supposed to be fun into a competiton. Which is why you had decided to have a loosely tied bouquet. That way when you threw it into the air the bouquet would come apart and each of the girls would get their own rose.

After the bouquet toss you made your way to the audience to visit with some friends of yours from school.

You were smiling and posing for pictures with them when you heard Niall's voice through the microphone.

"Can I have my beautiful bride come join me on the dance floor please?" You heard Niall's voice ring through the room.

Your heart began to race as you headed towards the dance floor. There was something in his voice that told you he was up to something.

You made your way through the people and walked onto the dance floor to see Niall in the middle standing with a chair next to him. Your eyes went wide. The garter toss.

You slowly walked over to the chair and sat down. All of the men in the room cheered, except for your father and your brother. Neither of them seemed real excited to watch what was about to happen.

The DJ started to play the song "Ride". Niall gave a confident smirk to the crowd before he got down on his knees in front of you. He took your hand in his and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. Then he reached down and lifted the skirt of your dress so that he could put his head under it.

You felt his soft lips gently place a trail of kisses up your leg. He started at your ankle and slowly made his way up your right leg. Your face was three shades redder than it normally was as you felt your husbands mouth on your body.

He placed a final kiss on your thigh where the garter sat before he took the lace material in between his teeth. He slowly guided it down past your knee, down your chin, and over your ankle and heels before popping out from under the dress, the garter still in his mouth.

The crowd cheered him as he reached up and took the material out of his mouth.

He then turned to the single men who had gathered on the dance floor behind him. He took the garter between his hands and pulled it back like a sling shot before letting it fly towards the group of guys.

You laughed as Harry jumped and caught it in his hand. You saw his dimples appear as he smiled at catching the garter.

Niall turned to you and took your hand as he helped you out of the chair.

"I love you, baby." He said before leaning in to give you the hundredth kiss, that day.

"I love you too," you said, hoping the blush on your cheeks would start fading soon.

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