Announcing the Engagement on Instagram/Twitter

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It had been six days since Niall proposed to me, and we had managed to keep it a secret. But we knew that we wouldn't be able to keep it a secret forever. The only people who knew were our families, the boys, and their families.

Niall and I were currently in Ireland spending some time with his family after our vacation in Florida. I thought it was a waste of money to fly all the way back over here for just a couple days, but Niall really wanted to come home one last time before he started the U.S. tour for three months.

Tomorrow night, was the boys' first concert of the Honda Civic Tour in San Diego, and we knew that we would have to announce it before the concert. I was planning on being at the show in the audience, and I knew that fans would probably notice the ring on my hand.

"Hey Ni," I said as I walked over and sat down on the bed in our hotel room. He put his phone down and looked up at me.

"Yes princess?" He asked.

"So I've been thinking..."

His light hearted expression turned into a serious one.

"About what? Is everything okay?" He asked.

"Well it's about the engagement. The first show of the tour is tomorrow and the fans are probably going to find out about the engagement when they see the ring."

"Is that a problem?" He asked.

"Well no, it's just...I want it to be special when we announce it. I mean I know how much stuff about One Direction gets leaked already, I don't want this to be one of those things. I want the fans to find out by us telling them."

"You're right princess, we should be able to announce it. And of course they are going to notice the ring tomorrow at the show, so we need to announce it before then." He said.

"How do you want to announce it?"

"I think we should post a couple pictures on Instagram and Twitter. They won't be expecting it at all!" He said smiling.

"That's a great idea Ni!"

He picked his phone up and went through the pictures to find the perfect one. He had taken so many pictures of me and the ring on my hand in the last couple days that I had no idea which picture he was going to choose.

He smiled before typing on his phone. I got a notification on my phone saying I was tagged in a post of his. I opened it up and saw a picture from this morning. We went to the coast and saw the cliffs, which were breathtaking.

Niall's Instagram Post:

@niallhoran: Two of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, my home country and my beautiful fiancée with a ring on her finger!

Niall's Twitter Posts:

@NiallOfficial: Yes that's right! @y/twitter/n and I are engaged! I popped the question and she said yes! Can't wait to make you my wife princess!

@NiallOfficial: We are both very excited to start this new chapter in our lives! Thank you all for the continued love and support xxNialler

Your Instagram Post:

@Y/Instagram/N: Something about my left hand seems different, I just can't put my finger on it...

Your Twitter Posts:

@y/twitter/n: Yes he popped the question, and of course I said yes!

@y/twitter/n: I can't wait to start this new journey with you @NiallOfficial! I love you so much and can't wait to become Mrs. Horan!

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