Shopping for Accessores (Shoes, Jewelry, etc)

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The wedding was getting closer and closer and there was still so much to do! All of the decision making had been taking a toll on you. You needed a day to relax and not have to worry about the wedding.

You and Niall were in Ireland visiting his hometown, spending some time with his family. Niall was going to the golf course with his dad, brother, and nephew. You were going to have a girls' day with Niall's mum and sister-in-law.

You were starting out with a brunch in a little diner. Then you were going to a dress fitting to try on your dress for the first time since you bought it! And then you were going to a little boutique to look for shoes and some jewelry for the big day.

The three of you walked into the diner and found a table to eat .

"Are you excited for the wedding, Y/N?" Denise, Niall's sister-in-law asked.

"I am, but I'm nervous. I feel like there is still so much to do!" You said.

"That's what all of us are here for! And you have the wedding planner!" She said.

"Is there anything else you're worried about, dear?" Maura, Niall's mum asked.

"I know it's silly, but I'm kind of scared I'm going to get there and Niall isn't going to be there." You admitted.

"Y/N, Niall is crazy about you. He has been since he met you! I remember the first time he brought you home to meet me. His face just lit up. I had never seen him so happy! He has been looking forward to marrying you for a long time! I promise he will be there at the end of the aisle waiting for you." Maura said as she reached across the table and placed her hand over yours.

"She's right, Y/N. Niall is crazy about you. He's been waiting to marry you for a while. He isn't going anywhere. There won't be any cold feet for Niall. His will be toasty warm!"

You smiled as you looked at your soon to be mother-in-law and sister-in-law! From the moment Niall had introduced you to his family you had felt welcomed. Niall's mother had been like a second mother to you almost from the first time you met.

You finished your lunch and then headed to a boutique that was a few doors down from the diner.

"Hello ladies, what are we looking for today?" An employee welcomed us as we entered the small store.

"I'm getting married in a little over a month and I'm looking for some shoes and jewelry to wear on the big day!" You said smiling.

"Of course! Follow me and I will take you over to our bridal section! I have a few things I think you will love!" She said smiling at the three of you.

She led you over to the selection of bridal shoes. You were a little overwhelmed by the different options you had. There were flats, heels, wedges, etc.

"Is there a certain style or color you're thinking of?" The sales woman asked.

"I think I want to stay with the bridal look and get something white. And because I'm going to be on my feet all day and that part of our wedding will be on grass, I would like to stay with a flat or wedge instead of a heel." You said.

"This one here is a favorite of our brides." She said as she pulled a pair of flats off the shelf.

There were a cream colored flat with gemstones and embellishment on the toe and heel. The sides were a suede fabric. They were beautiful. You slipped them on, and liked them, but you didn't think all the stones and embellishment would go with your dress.

"This pair here is one of my favorites. It does have a heel but we could get you heel protectors for the grass and could easily get you a comfortable liner to make them more comfortable for each other."

She pulled a pair of heels that had a zip back and lace pattern with a peep toe. They were gorgeous, and they went perfectly with your dress!

The third pair you tried on were love at first sight! They were a white peep toe heel with rhinestone detail on the heel and back of the shoe.

The third pair were almost twice as much as the lace pair. And although you knew Niall would probably pay for the more expensive pair you couldn't see spending so much money on a pair of shoes you might only wear once. So you ended up picking the second pair with the lace!

She then led you over to the jewelry counter. You saw a pair of earrings that caught your eye right away. There were diamond tear drop earrings with beautiful sapphires.

"You don't have anything blue! Those could be your something blue!" Denise said as she saw you eyeing them.

"They are gorgeous!" You said. "But they are too much. I don't have the money to pay for them." You said.

You had the earrings in your hand and were rubbing your fingers over the beautiful stone. Then Niall's mother took the box from your hand and smiled at them.

"Let me get them for you. You're my daughter now, Y/N. It will be my wedding gift to you, my new daughter." She said.

"Maura, I can't ask you to do that." You said.

"I insist. I can tell how much you love them. And they are gorgeous. They will be perfect on your big day." She said.

"Are you sure? You don't have to!" You said.

"Love, I want to. You're a part of the family now too." She said.

You smiled and gave her a warm hug. You were in awe at the warm gesture.

Next to the earrings in the display case was a diamond and sapphire necklace that said "love."

Again you loved it, but it was too much. You couldn't ask Niall to buy it for you. He was already giving you the wedding of your dreams. And you didn't expect him to buy you crazy, outrageously expensive presents.

"Do you like it?" Denise asked.

"It's beautiful." You said.

"Would you like to try it on?" The clerk asked.

"I want to, but I'm afraid I will fall in love with it. I can't get it." You said.

"Just try it on!" Denise encouraged.

You carefully placed the necklace around your neck and Denise clasped it for you. You turned around and looked in the small mirror that was sitting on top of the display case. Your jaw dropped. It was stunning.

"It's so pretty, Y/N." Denise said.

"It's beautiful, just like you dear." Maura said.

"It is, but I...I can't have it." Denise said.

"Will you let me get it for you? From Greg, Theo, and I? You are my sister now. You have been since we met, now we're just making it official." Denise said.

"Denise I can't ask you or Greg to do that for me." You said.

"I insist, please." Denise said.

"Are you sure?" You asked.

"Of course! It's what sisters do!" She saidsmiling at you. 

You smiled as you looked at your soon to be mother and sister-in-law. You were so blessed to be joining such a wonderful family!   

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