Looking at Venues Online

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I was sitting in the boys' dressing room on my laptop. I was looking at venues online. I knew I had to look at a few Irish venues to make Niall happy, although I wanted the wedding to be in the U.S. I knew Niall was born and raised in Ireland but I was born and raised in the U.S. so to get married in a completely different country was something I couldn't really be excited about.  But I wanted Niall to be happy too.

Sophia came into the room and sat on the couch next to me.

"Hey girl! What's up?" She asked.

"Looking at venues." I said.

"Ooh! Have you guys decided on a location?" She asked.

"No. I want to get married here in the U.S. But Niall isn't budging. He is only looking at venues in Ireland." I said.

"Have you talked to him about it?" She asked.

"I've tried. Every time I bring it up he always talks about how he has always wanted to get married in Ireland. And he isn't picky about much when it comes to the wedding, so I know how much it means to him to have it in Ireland for him to be pushing it this much. And since this is really the only thing Niall cares about as far as the wedding is concerned, I want to give him what he wants." I said.

"I know, but are you going to be happy getting married in Ireland?" She asked.

"I don't know. I mean I am going to be happy no matter what just because I'm marrying Niall. But I know that if we do have it in Ireland there are going to be a lot of my friends and family that won't be at the wedding because of the cost. I can't imagine not having all of my friends and family there." I said.

"Does Niall know that's why you want to have it here?" He asked.

"No. He doesn't listen unless it has to do with Ireland. He won't even look at pictures of U.S. venues online." I said.

"Y/N, you need to talk to Niall about it. This wedding is both of yours, not just his. And he needs to be open to your ideas." She said.

Sophia went to babysit Lux while Lou did some work backstage which left me alone to look at venues. I had looked at a small venue near my hometown, but decided it wasn't going to work. It was too small for the number of guests we were talking, which was 200, and it didn't have the privacy we wanted. Fans would be able to see most of the wedding because it was an outdoor venue near a road with just a fence separating the venue from the road. We both wanted our privacy when it came to the day of the wedding.

Then I looked at my dream venue. The Oheka Castle in New York. It was beautiful! It was literally everything I wanted in a venue. It had the castle look to it, and a garden that would be perfect for a ceremony. They also had gorgeous spaces inside for the reception. Plus it would make for beautiful wedding pictures. But it was pricey for our budget. It would blow our budget out of the water. Just the location fee by itself was half our budget. So unless I wanted to spend more money, there was no way we would be able to have the wedding there.

Of course I knew that if we really wanted to have the wedding there, we could. I knew Niall would pull out his wallet and pay for the venue if it's what we really wanted, but I didn't want him to have to pay for a huge over-the-top expensive wedding. I didn't want our wedding to be one of those celebrity weddings you always read about that cost outrageous amounts of money.

Then I switched and looked at venues in Ireland. The first one I looked at was the Adare Manor. It was similar to the Oheka Castle in that it had the castle feel and a beautiful garden. It was about two hours from Niall's hometown, so Niall would be happy about that.

Just as I was about to close out of the website the boys came into the room. Niall smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek before he sat down. He had a pizza box in his hand and set it on the table in front of the couch we were on. He wrapped his sweaty arm around me and looked at the screen to see what I was doing while he ate a slice of pizza with his free hand.

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