Weekend Getaway

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**Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while since I've updated! This doesn't really have much to do with Niall and Y/N's wedding, but I wanted to share it. I wrote it about six months ago when I first started writing this story, and never shared it. So I thought now is as good of time as any! Also the next chapter is almost done! It should be up within a couple days!

Hope you guys enjoy and thank you for being understanding with me about the long gaps between updates!!



It was two weeks before the wedding, and both you and Niall were exhausted from all the decisions that had been made.

"Babe, do you work this weekend?" Niall asked.

"No I took the rest of the weekends this month off so that I can focus on the wedding." You answered.

"I was thinking we could getaway this weekend." He said.

"What? We have so much to do!" You said.

"It can wait. I know you've been stressed, babe. What do you say to you and I just getting away for a day or two. We could go camping in the woods by ourselves. Or fly somewhere warm and get a condo to ourselves." He said.

"Ni, we have so much to do!" You said.

"I know, but that's why we have a wedding planner!" He said. "It's just for a weekend. It's not like we're taking a week off. You could use a break." He said.

"Okay. We will go for a weekend." You gave in, knowing that there would be no point in trying to argue with Niall. Once he had his mind set on something, there was no changing it.

So you and Niall packed a bag, a tent, and some other camping supplies and headed to a spot in the woods where the two of you used to go camping when you first started dating. You would both sneak away and meet in the woods and spend countless nights together. The first 3 months of your relationship – when Niall wasn't working or on the road – were spent in the woods.

You walked into the clearing where you would be pitching the tent.

"It's been a while since we've been here, princess." Niall said as he put the bags down and wrapped his arms around you.

"It has, but I'm excited for a few days alone." You said.

"No fans, no management, no family, no wedding planners, it's just you and me!" He said before he kissed your cheek.

Niall started setting the tent up, or trying to.

"Babe, I don't think these are the right poles for this tent." He said as he held the tent in one hand and the poles in the other.

"It might help if you read the instructions," you said jokingly.

"Princess, I don't need instructions. I can do it." He said.

You couldn't help but roll your eyes and smile at your stubborn Irishman. You took a look at the directions, figured out the proper way to put the tent together, and with Niall's help the two of you had the tent up in no time.

"How did I ever get a woman as smart as you?" Niall asked wrapping his arms around you. He was loving being able to hold you and kiss you without worrying about fans or paparazzi taking pictures.

"It's called instructions, babe." You said grinning at him.

After the tent was up, Niall started a fire so you would have a heat source to keep you warm, and something to cook on. He pulled the hotdogs out of the cooler and each of you cooked them over the fire. Once you were done eating, it was time for dessert.

And what's better to have for dessert when you're camping than..smores?

He pulled the graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows out of the food bag.

"Here babe, I'll make you a marshmallow." He said.

"Okay, but don't burn it!" You said.

Niall cooked your marshmallow to the golden color you loved, and then made a sandwich for you. You took a big, gooey bite, and it was delicious! It had been too long since you had enjoyed a smore!

"Princess, you have a little marshmallow right there," he said pointing to the corner of your mouth.

You went to reach up and wipe it off, but Niall stopped your hand with his own.

"Let me," he said smiling.

Then he leaned in and gave you a gentle kiss, removing the marshmallow from your lips.

"Delicious!" He said smiling at you.

You couldn't help but laugh at how adorable Niall was sometimes. He always did the cutest things that always made you smile.

After the smores were eaten it started getting cold. Niall noticed you shiver, so he grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around you as he pulled you close to him.

"I'll keep you warm." He whispered in your ear.

"You are pretty cozy." You said smiling as you looked up at him.

You and Niall spent two hours talking about anything and everything. You loved the little pointless conversations that you had with Niall.

As the night went on you began to doze off in Niall's arms. He began to softly sing in your ear, which soon put you to sleep. Niall was singing when he looked down and realized that you had fallen asleep. He smiled and kissed your head.

Then he slid his arms underneath you and carried you bridal style to the tent. Once he had you tucked under the blankets, he stripped out of his jeans, and slid under the covers next to you. He pulled you close to his chest and wrapped his arms protectively around you.

Niall ended up getting called to work the following morning so your weekend getaway was cut short. But one night together was enough for you. It helped you get in quality alone time together. It helped you relax and forget about all the stress that comes from planning a big wedding.

You started out the window as the rain poured down on your drive back to the city.

"You okay?" Niall asked as he took your hand and gently rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand.

"Yeah," you said turning to look at him.

"You sure?" He asked.

"Yeah, I just don't want to go back. It was nice having you all to myself and not having to worry about the wedding or anything. We could just relax and enjoy each other." You said.

"It was nice, but in a couple weeks we'll bemarried and we'll be on the honeymoon! And then you get me all to yourself foran entire week!" He said smiling.'

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