Engagement Party

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After the North American leg of the tour ended, my mom and sister insisted on hosting an engagement party for Niall and I before everyone left to go back to the U.K. I wasn't a big fan of parties, especially when I was the center of attention, so I made them promise that the party would be small with only close friends and family.

Niall and I were at my place getting ready. I was nervous because knowing my mother, this would be a very big event, even though she had promised me that it wouldn't be a big party. Niall was wearing dark jeans with a casual white button down shirt. I was wearing a pair of dark skinny jeans, a navy tee, and a black and white striped cardigan. I wanted to be comfortable and warm because it was a backyard barbecue in the Midwest in September, so later on in the evening it could get a little chilly.

"You about ready to head to your parents' babe?" Niall asked.

"Yeah," I said.

"Hey, it'll be fun." He said.

"I'm just worried they went overboard with it." I said.

"Knowing your mom and sister they probably did, but let's just enjoy ourselves. And I promise I will be by your side all night, so you have nothing to worry about!" He said.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." He said.

He leaned in and gave me a light kiss on the lips before he grabbed my car keys and opened the door to my apartment. We walked down the steps to my car and climbed in. We pulled up to my parents' house and I could see that most of the guests were already here. Judging by the amount of cars, the party was pretty small, to my surprise.

Niall and I walked to the front door and were about to walk in when the door opened. My mom welcomed us with a warm smile. She pulled me in for a hug before turning to Niall and giving him a hug too.

"I'm so glad you guys are finally here! Come in! Everyone is waiting to see you guys!" She said excitedly.

Niall intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked into the house. I was immediately pulled into a hug by Lou.

"Congratulations love! I'm so happy for both of you!" She said as she let go of me and gave Niall a hug.

"Y/N! Uncle Ni!" Lux said excitedly. I smiled and reached down and picked her up. I placed her on my hip as she gave me a hug.

I was then pulled into a hug by Sophia.

"Congratulations babe! Can't wait for the wedding!" She said.

"Thanks Soph!" I said.

Liam gave me a warm hug before pulling Niall in for a "bro hug"

"Congrats man! You're one lucky mate!" Liam said.

"I know! I can't wait to marry my princess!" Niall said.

Harry and Louis were the next ones that greeted us.

"Hello love!" Harry said with a warm smile as he pulled me to his chest.

"Thanks Hazza!" I said.

Harry let of me and turned to Niall.

"Congrats mate! Take care of her now! She's a keeper." Harry said.

"I will mate! I don't plan on letting her go anywhere!" Niall said smiling at me and putting a hand on the small of my back.

"Y/N!" Louis said picking me up in a huge hug.

"Hey Lou!" I said laughing at his excitement.

"I haven't seen you forever!" Louis said.

"Lou, you saw me last night." I said.

"I know it's been so long!" He said jokingly.

He then pulled Niall in for a hug.

"Congrats mate!" Louis said to Niall.

"Thanks bro!" Niall said smiling at his best friend.

We then said hello to the band members: Jon, Sandy, Josh, and Dan. Josh's girlfriend Holly and Sandy's fiancée Shanna were also there. Along with the friends from the band and tour, some of my friends from high school and college were also at the party.

Niall and I had been there about an hour when my mom announced that the food was ready. Because Niall and I were the guests of honor, we got to eat first. We went to the backyard and took a seat at one of the tables that were set up.

Everyone talked as we enjoyed the food my parents and sister had prepared. Then it was time for the speeches. Niall had agreed to make the toast for both of us so I wouldn't have to talk.

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" My mom said starting off.

"I want to thank everyone for being here to celebrate Y/N and Niall's engagement. They are amazing together, and I can't picture a better man for my daughter. Y/N I've watched you grow into the beautiful and caring woman that you are today! I am so proud of everything you've done, and I can't wait to see what else you do in the future! Niall, I've only known you for a short time, but I am so happy to call you my future son-in-law. You treat Y/N exactly how she deserves to be treated and I know you will be an amazing husband! So here's to the happy couple!" My mom said.

Everyone raised their glasses and then took a drink. My dad was up next.

"I want to thank you all for coming out! I've never seen Y/N happier than she is when she's with him. From the first time I saw them together, I knew it was different. She had that sparkle in her eye when she looked at him, and as much as I didn't want to admit it, I knew she had found the one. Niall, I want to thank you for taking care of my daughter these past two years, and I know you will continue to do it for the rest of your lives. You are a great young man, and I am proud to call you a son! Welcome to the family!" My dad said as he raised his glass.

The toasts went on until it was time for Niall and I to give our toast. We stood up and Niall put an arm around my waist.

"We want to say thank you to all of you guys for being here with us! We are so blessed to have all of you in our lives! Thank you for the support, encouragement, love, and laughter you've given us through the years! You are our best friends, our loved ones, and our families. You are the ones who have helped shape us into the people we are today! We can't imagine taking this next step in our lives without any of you, so thank you! Please join me in toasting to my beautiful bride-to-be! Here's to you, Y/N!" Niall said smiling. He leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips after taking a sip of his drink.

I then excused myself from the table and went into the kitchen with my mom and sister. Today happened to be Niall's birthday, and they had baked a cake.

I carefully carried the cake outside and set it in front of Niall who started turning red. Everyone at the party sang happy birthday to Niall and then he blew his candles out.

After some more visiting and talking with our friends and family it was time to open the gifts. I didn't realize that there would be gifts when my mom and sister first brought up the idea of the engagement party. I thought the point of the party was just so that our families and friends could get to know each other a little bit better.

Niall and I took turns opening gifts, which were very much appreciated. We didn't live together but we would be getting our first place together soon and we received a lot of gifts that would come in handy like: pots and pans, towels, silverware, plates, cups, etc.

My favorite gift came from my childhood best friend who got us Mr & Mrs pillows for the bed with a third pillow that had Est 8.6.16, which was our wedding date.

It was nice to have a relaxing night with allour friends and family after the stresses of being on tour. I was lookingforward to spending the next couple months with Niall focusing on the wedding!

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