Father/Daughter Dance

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"Mind if I cut in?" Your dad asked as he came over to where you and Niall were dancing together.

"Of course not, sir." Niall said as he let go of your hand and took a step back so that your father could take his place.

"You look beautiful tonight, sweetheart." He said as he looked down at you smiling.

"You cleaned up pretty well yourself," you said as you motioned towards the tux he was wearing.

"Only on special occasions." He said, still smiling at you.

"Still can't believe my little girl is all grown up and married now." He said.

"I can't believe you haven't killed Niall yet." You joked. 

Your dad and you always had a long standing joke that your father would scare any boy who even thought about getting close to you. Yet, he had welcomed Niall with open arms since the first time they met.

"He's a good one. He has a good head on his shoulders. And I know he is going to take care of you." He said as he looked over your shoulder to where Niall was standing talking to the boys.

You turned your head to look at your husband. Niall was talking to Liam when he looked over to where you and your father were dancing and his lips immediately curved into a smile when he saw that you were already  looking at him.

"I see the way he looks at you, you know. Like you're his whole world. That's what I've always wanted. I wanted someone who thought you were as special as I do. And I see the way you look at him. It reminds me of how your mother looked at me when we were younger." He said.

"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah. That's how I knew this one was different. I've seen you with other boyfriends you, but I could tell he was the one the first time I saw you together. You had a sparkle in your eye I've never seen and you just glowed every time he kissed your cheek or complimented you. And I saw how he treated you, with respect and love. He did the old school stuff like holding the door and pulling your chair out for you. I could tell it wasn't about physical stuff to him. He loved you for the beautiful person you are." He said.

You were about to say something when you heard the first few notes of Tim McGraw's "My Little Girl" come on and you smiled, knowing it was time for your father/daughter dance with your dad.

You leaned your head on your father's shoulder as he quietly sang the words to the first verse and chorus in your ear. It reminded you of all the times he would sing you to sleep as he tucked you into bed. He wasn't the best singer in the world, but he had a good voice. You always felt calm when you heard your father sing.

Gotta hold on easy as I let you go

Gonna tell you how much I love you

Though you think you already know

I remember I thought you looked like an angel wrapped in pink so soft and warm

You've had me wrapped around your finger since the day you were born

You're beautiful baby from the outside in

Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again

Go on take on this whole world

But to me you know you'll always be my little girl

When you were in trouble that crooked little smile could melt my heart of stone

Now look at you I've turned around and you've almost grown

Sometimes you're asleep I whisper I love you in the moonlight at your door

As I walk away I hear you say, Daddy love you more

You're beautiful baby from the outside in

Chase your dreams but always know the road that'll lead you home again

Go on take on this whole world

But to me you know you'll always be my little girl

You saw your dad make eye contact with Niall and motion for Niall to join you and your father on the dance floor.

Some day some boy will come and ask me for your hand

But I won't say yes to him unless I know

He's the half that makes you whole

He has a poet's soul

And the heart of a man's man

Your father spoke the words to the song as he looked at Niall before he extended his hand and shook Niall's.

"I wouldn't have said yes to any one else." Your dad said which instantly made Niall smile.

"Thank you for trusting me to take care of her, sir." Niall said.

"She's always going to be my little girl, but she's your wife now. Just promise me one thing," your father said as he started to get emotional.

"Anything, sir." Niall said in a serious tone.

"Promise to bring her back to me every once in a while so I can see her."

"Of course, Mr. Y/Last/N, I would never take her away from you." Niall said.


I just want to take a moment to thank all of you guys for your support. The reads, votes, comments, and messages mean so much to me. I am so glad that you guys enjoy my writing. I have poured my heart into this book and it's a good feeling to know that you guys enjoy it! I can't believe this has over 47k reads on it! That's mind blowing to me.

Also, I know this chapter is really similar to the Mother/Son one in the fact that Y/N's father called Niall onto the dance floor like Maura did with Y/N. But there's something I love about the family accepting the bride/groom into the family. And I felt that it could be a special moment in either situation. Sorry if it feels like I was copying the other chapter, I certainly didn't intend to. I just loved the idea of Y/N's dad having a special moment with Niall.

Finally, I have been working hard on this book this week (hence why there were 7 updates since Sunday) but I am now going to take the weekend to relax and enjoy some time with family and friends so there probably won't be another update, or if there is it will be in the middle of the night. But I promise it won't be too long before you guys get the next chapter and I will try to make it worth the wait!!

Love you guys, and thank you again for all the support!


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