Morning of the Wedding

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You rolled over and stretched as you blinked a few times adjusting your sensitive eyes to the light. The rays of sun were peeking through the small crack in the curtains. You rubbed your eyes sleepily and looked at the clock sitting on the bed side table. 9:30a.m.

Then you remembered the night before and Niall sneaking into your room with you. You rolled over expecting to see Niall in the same spot he was before. But you were disappointed when all you found as an empty bed.

"There's my beautiful baby sister!" Your sister said smiling as she walked into your bedroom carrying a tray with a plate of breakfast for you.

"Morning." You said smiling at her.

"Are you ready for your big day?" She asked carefully setting the tray of food on your bedside table.

"Yeah. I can't believe I'm getting married today!" You said smiling at her.

"I can't either! My baby sister is all grown up!" She said looking at you with a proud smile.

About half an hour later Lou and Lottie knocked on your door. They had offered to do the hair and makeup for all of the girls for free.

You were in a pair of black comfy leggings and one of Niall's button up shirts, so you could still have a piece of him with you as you got ready on your wedding day.

"Okay salt! Let's get you ready for your Prince Charming!" Lou said as she pulled out a chair in front of the vanity.

You walked over to the chair and sat down in the chair. She began to work her magic as she carefully curled your hair into loose strands. You decided that you wanted a natural look for the wedding. You had decided to have your hair in loose, romantic curls. And you opted for a very natural makeup. Soft blush, a very soft eye with browns instead of heavier shadows that some brides opt for. And you chose a very soft, romantic pink lipstick for your lips.

After about forty-five minutes of the girls working their magic they were done.

"Are you ready to see yourself?" Lou asked smiling as she admired her work.

"Yes," you said smiling anxiously.

"Okay," she said smiling.

She stepped to the side so you could see yourself in the mirror. Your hands flew to your mouth as you admired yourself in the mirror. They had done an incredible job. You had a natural look, but you had never seen yourself look more beautiful.

"Girls it's perfect! Thank you so much!" You said smiling to them. You stood up and embraced each of them into a hug.

"We just wanted to make sure you looked perfect for the biggest day of your life!" Lottie said to you.

The rest of the girls all got their hair and makeup done. Then it was time for lunch.

After taking about half an hour to eat a quick lunch with your girls, it was time to get dressed.

You went into the bathroom and unbuttoned Niall's shirt and slid it off your shoulders. Then you slid the leggings down your legs. You pulled the white lingerie on that you had bought just for the wedding. Then you slipped your white robe over the lingerie. You walked back into the bedroom where the dress was hanging.

You walked over to the window where the dress was hanging, just waiting for you to put it on. You carefully ran your fingers over the beautiful lace bodice, across the beautiful embellished belt, and down to the flowy organza skirt. You were as much in love with it today, on your wedding day as you were when you first tried it on months ago.

"Ready to put it on?" Your mom asked as she came up to stand beside you.

"Yeah," you said smiling at her.

Niall Horan Wedding SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now