chapter seven

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Dan is beginning to enjoy school, quite a bit.

It is Friday, and Connor arrives on Sunday, so he can start school on Monday. Although Dan is excited about his friend coming, he also has that little voice in the back of his mind, asking things like, 'what if they like him better and ignore you?' and 'Connor has a voice, you don't, he'll fit in way better than you.'

Deep in Dan's heart, he knows his friends won't abandon him like that, but it's happened to him before, so he's permanently paranoid it will happen again. Sometimes, he wonders is he'll ever feel completely comfortable in a friendship ever again, after Troye...

It wasn't Troye's fault, someone better just came along. Troye was Dan's friend, his best and only friend, but then a bloke named Tyler came along, and suddenly, Dan was cast aside, kind of like what happens in Toy Story.

It's not their fault, Dan doesn't blame them for simply wanting a more interesting friend, he's just more distant now. Speaking of Tyler's, wasn't that Connor's friend's name?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Phil asks, nudging Dan with his knee, his blue eyes lit up under his black fringe.

Dan smiles lightly and scribbles on his open notebook: 'sorry, they're much too valuable and too complex for your inferior mind to comprehend.'

"Hey, you can't boggle me with your long, fancy words! I know what you meant and it's not nice to call me your intellectual inferior." Phil giggles, nudging Dan playfully, "I am actually quite intelligent, you can't show me up with your posh words!"

'*ARTICULATE!! THE WORD IS ARTICULATE!!' Dan writes, making Phil laugh harder, and Dan to roll his eyes.

"I love stirring you up because you can't get mad at me! I'm such a nice friend. I like your piercings Dan, so you think I'd suit them?" Phil asks, raising an eyebrow

Dan decides if they're going to start a conversation, they should text it instead, so he pulls out his phone, gesturing for Phil to do the same.

Phil: so... earrings yay or nay?

Dan: no.

Phil: aw why?? :(

Dan: with your personality, you don't suit them. You're too adorable for piercings.

Phil: I can't help my personality! I'm so tough!

Dan: you have an obsession with stuffed and/or cartoon lions.

Phil: lions are manly!

Dan: yeah, real lions. I have a documentary on them, want to watch then tear apart a baby antelope?

Phil: fine, point proven. Shut up now. :/

Dan: technically I was never talking...

Phil: -_-

Dan: :P

Dan was happy, and he was glad Phil was determined to be friends, and didn't give up when Dan pushed him away. Dan was glad he had such good friends at school, but when the bell rang, and it was time to leave, he was basically sucked into hell.

"Where've you been all day?!" His dad snaps at him as soon as he walks through the door.

Dan jumps, startled, his eyes widen but he bites his lip, determined to keep his face blank of emotions. The more upset or angry he becomes, he more satisfaction it gives his father.

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