chapter fourteen

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It's been a week and Dan has not been to school once.

He just vomits, groans and makes his face look pink as he writes his mother a note saying he feels unwell. And then she nods, stroking his forehead sympathetically before ringing the school and leaving for work. Dan then spends the day eating, going online and streaming movies.

He's not completely lying though. He does feel sick at the thought of going to school, and he's mentally exhausted of himself. He's constantly with his thoughts and he hates it - he can't escape himself. He thanks his lucky stars he's not deaf too though; he doesn't know what he'd do without music.

Dan sits up, the sun is high in the sky by now - it's ten a.m. on a Tuesday morning but he is still off school 'sick'. He is sick though, he's sick of being mute. He reaches over to his left, picking up his phone and switching it on. It hasn't been on since he sent that message to Connor, he's been too scared to see his reply.

Once his phone is on, his phone comes alive with texts - from Connor and Phil. Dan feels a tear slip down his cheek as he reads the texts, firstly from Phil.

Phil: Dan!

Phil: Dan I'm so so so so so so sorry!

Phil: my brother - he told me what really happened.

Phil: I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, I was wrong, I'm the biggest ass in the world but Dan I miss you. I miss our friendship, our teasing, having classes together. I MISS YOU DAN AND I'M SO SORRY.

Phil: I don't know where you've been but I'm sort of worried

Phil: Dan, you're nothing like your father, you're kind, sweet, cute, sarcastic, funny, you have amazing hair and an amazing music taste.

Phil: please Dan... One more chance at being your friend?

Dan smiles sadly, and despite everything Phil said to him, his heart misses Phil and wants his friendship back, because he knew Phil was someone special who'd do anything for his friends, and Dan would be stupid not to be friends with him, so he types out a reply.

Dan: one more chance.

Dan: p.s: I kinda missed you.

Then he moves to Connor's texts, sort of dreading what they're going to say - like, what do you say after being told to fuck off?

Connor: Dan I know you don't mean that.

Connor: Dan please

Connor: Dan I miss you

Connor: where are you now that I need ya?


Connor: please Dan you're my best friend


Connor: please Dan, tell me if something's up!

Connor: that's it, I'm coming back just to see if you're okay.

Connor: seriously.

Dan: Connor I'm so sorry, I don't know what I was thinking - well, I wasn't thinking. Please don't fuck off! I need you in my life. I was just tired of everything.

"It's okay Dan," a familiar voice says from the doorway, making Dan's gaze shift to the doorframe, his eyes widening in shock when he sees Connor there.

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