Letter Three.

101 7 2

October 19, 2014

Dear Phil,

So, today marks the fifth year that we actually met in person. Wow, five years already. I didn't think we would even stay friends this long in all honesty.

That day, back in 2009, was the best day of my entire life. You made my life so much better when we first started talking, and when we actually met, oh my god. Phil, I don't think you realize that you actually pretty much saved me from myself.

I was so certain you wouldn't like me in real life. I was so certain you would see me, notice me standing there without me realizing, and you would just leave. But no, you saw me and you practically attacked me. That hug will stay with me forever.

The very first time we ever kissed. It was that day, and probably the most exhilarating thing. We had went to the Manchester Eye because you said "You have to! It's a perfect way to see Manchester!" And so I trusted you.

We sat in our seats and were quiet as we went up, stopping every few seconds as they loaded and unloaded. You had your hand on the bar in front of us and when you put it down, it landed on top of mine. You didn't move it, though. I remember feeling nervous because you smiled at me and left it there. The sun was just setting, making the Sky a pinkish purple blue color. It was a beautiful sight, honestly.

As we got to the top, your smile got bigger and the world lit up so much because of it. I could tell you were really happy. And when we got to the top, you looked at me. The smile had fallen off your lips and I thought I did something wrong. You had moved your hand off of mine and scooted closer to me slowly so the cart wouldn't rock so much.

"What are you doing?" I had asked. That's when that smile grew again. This time it was even bigger than the last and you grabbed my hand in yours. Then you kissed me. That kiss made everything in me erupt and I didn't know what to do. It shocked me so much, but I kissed you back. I barely caught what you said after due to the feelings rushing through my whole body.

"Kissing my best friend."

When we made that video together on your channel, it was so much fun. I wasn't lying when I said it was the most fun I had ever had. I won't forget what you had to edit out, though.

The little kisses that we shared while the camera was rolling because we couldn't help it. It was truly amazing.

Sometimes, I get upset that we aren't like that anymore. So open to kissing each other like that, but I did get big and you got even bigger. We have to keep it down, eh?

I will never forget that day and I really hope that we never ever split. I wouldn't know what I would do if I lost my best friend, Phil. You're practically my world. Thank you.


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