Letter Seven.

62 4 0


February 14, 2015

Dear Phil,

Philly! Hiya, buddy! I'm really wasted right now.

Peej is here with me, but he won't look at me. He keeps trying to avoid me. What did I do? Phil, do you know what I did?

I called you, but you never answered me. Lexi answered and said you weren't home. She didn't tell me she would have you call me back, though. I told her to have a good night, and that I would be passed out on your bedroom floor probably.

I haven't passed out yet, but I know I'll get there. Peej is trying to keep the drinks away from me. Actually, I think he left. I might be home alone now.

I just yelled for him. He's here. Just really quiet. He seems sad. Chris was supposed to come here too, but he didn't want to be around me. What did I do? I didn't do anything to him, did I?

I told Peej he can go and leave me, but he won't. He refuses because I think he thinks I'll get too drunk. Maybe. That is what I'm planning on doing. Especially when the only thing I can think of is when you and I first had sex. That was a magical time.

And it was cheesy because it was on Valentine's Day, like today! I want Valentine's Day sex again. I want a Valentine. But not any Valentine. I want you.

I think I'm going to down another vodka. I love you, Phil! Maybe, if I get lucky this will be goodbye.

Goodbye, Philly.


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