Letter Sixteen.

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April 19, 2015

Dear Phil,

What the fuck?! Why did you do that?!

Why did you tell everyone our business? It's fucking personal, Phil. Our fans don't need to know everything that happens. They don't need to fucking worry about us more than they already do, but look what you've done. You've told everyone that we're not living together anymore and that we don't talk anymore.

Now all of the fans are bombarding me with questions, asking why. And they're bringing back that screenshot of the video with my arm in it. Asking if I actually did something to myself. Jesus fucking Christ. Phil, you really did it this time, you know?

I didn't want to worry them. I never want to worry them, and I thought you didn't either, so why did you tell them? Why did you make them worry?

Phil, I can't believe you. I'm fucking furious right now.

Yet, I can't hate you.

And I think that's what makes me most mad.



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