Letter Six.

74 5 0

February 4, 2015

Dear Phil,

You just called me. You told me that we needed to talk in person because it wasn't something that we could do on the phone. I'm scared.

Are you going to tell me to stop calling? To stop sending you letters? To stop mentioning you in videos? To delete all of ours together? What?

Phil, I'm scared. I've already lost you, but I don't want to lose you for good. I don't want to lose the last strand of hope I have that you'll come back. That one day, I'll walk in from going to Tesco and you'll be sat on our couch on your laptop, laughing at some stupidly funny video of a cat running into the wall.

Pj and Louise check in on me daily. They still sound sympathetic and I'm afraid if they don't stop, that I'll snap at them too. I don't want to lose them too.

I did film a video today, though. I have to edit it and it should be up in a day or two. I managed to not cry that much! I'm proud of myself!

What are we going to do about the Gaming Channel, though? Now that we aren't living together. What about Dil?

Maybe that's what you want to talk about.

I don't know, but I do know that deep down, I am hoping you're going to tell me that you want to move back in.

But I also know that even deeper down, that's not going to happen.

I'm sorry, Phil.


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