Letter Twenty Two.

54 3 0


August 13, 2015

Dear Phil,

I'm so so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry it fucking hurts right now. I'm aching, Phil. I'm about to pass out and its taking everything in me to write this.

My hands are shaking so bad and there's blood on the page. It's drowning out the words.

Phil, I am so so so so sorry.

Please forgive me. Please tell me that you forgive my stupidity. I need that right now. I just need it right now. Everything is starting to go black.

It's three in the morning and Chris is on his way. I'm so fucked up. I was doing so much better but then the voices came back at such a strong volume, I wanted them to stop.

Please please please forgive me. I'm sorry for everything I've caused you. I don't know how long I can keep conscious. I hear the sirens coming closer.

I am so sorry.

Phil, I love y

Letters to Phil. (Phan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora