Letter Fifteen.

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April 7, 2015

Dear Phil,

Hey, Phil. How are you? Lexi tells me you're okay. You're surviving. That's how I am too.

Today was an okay day. Lexi came over for the day. It was pretty fun. We talked about you a lot. It seemed like no matter what we did, one of us would accidentally say your name and then it'd turn into an hour long conversation.

For example, we went to Starbucks today. I told her to go pick a spot and that I would order and pay. So, I did. I ordered what she wanted and I ordered my usual. They were shocked to see me, actually.

They'd asked me how I had been and I didn't tell them much. I told them I was okay, which is more a lie than the truth.

When I turned to find when Lexi was, I saw she had picked the spot we always chose the few times we came here. That's when you were first brought up.

There were so many places where you were brought up. So many times where I ended up crying unintentionally in front of your girlfriend about you. How ironic.

She's here, actually. She's sitting on the other couch, just waiting. She told me she would give you this letter, so I decided I would write it.

Phil, I'm really sorry. I'm so sorry for all the pain I have caused you. I miss you so much.

I'm glad you got a girl like Lexi, though. She is so sweet and she's perfect for you.

I hope everything works out with you two. I really do.

I love you, Philly.


Letters to Phil. (Phan)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt